- Divorce
- Child SupportChild Support: Assisting with establishing or modifying child support agreements to ensure the financial needs of your children are met.
- Child Custody and VisitationCustody and Visitation Rights: Advocating for your parental rights in custody arrangements, including visitation and custody modifications as family dynamics evolve.
- Criminal DefensePlea Bargaining: Sometimes a criminal defendant and the prosecution can negotiate an agreement that resolves the criminal matter. Usually, the prosecutor agrees to reduce a charge, drop some of multiple charges or recommend a more lenient sentence in exchange for the defendant's guilty plea, often to a lesser offense. A seasoned criminal defense attorney can be a real advantage to a criminal defendant throughout the plea-bargaining process.
- DUI/DWIIn addition, we also handle various criminal, traffic (including DUI, Traffic infractions, and warrants. For a more comprehensive overview of our practice areas, please visit the practiced area’s section of our website.
- Traffic ViolationsReckless Driving: Handling cases where driving behavior has been deemed dangerous, aiming to lessen the impact on your driving record.
- RobberyBurglary and Robbery Offenses: Defending clients accused of property crimes with strategies aimed at reducing charges and seeking fair resolutions.
- Burglary(Miami-Dade County) Case No. F05036045) – 9/15/06 – CASE DISMISSED. Gregory Curtis obtained a dismissal in the above captioned case whereby the state filed a four count indictment charging aggravated assault, battery, burglary while armed, and deadly missile/throw. After successive hearings and aggressively attacking the evidence against the defendant, and vigorously deposing the alleged victim, the same recanted her story and all charges were dismissed.
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsMisdemeanor charges can still carry serious consequences, affecting your record and your life. We represent clients in a range of misdemeanor cases, handling each with dedication and precision to ensure your rights are protected. Our experience covers...
- Drug CrimesDrug-related charges are among the most serious, often carrying severe penalties. Our firm has extensive experience in drug cases, providing strong defense strategies for clients accused of...
- Assault(Miami-Dade County Case) Nos. F06014192 5/24/06 – CASE DISMISSED. Gregory Curtis obtained a dismissal in the above captioned case whereby the defendant was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery. The defendant was facing up to 15 years in state prison. Gregory was able to show that the victim’s statement was not credible as the same was unable to be located. The prosecutor agreed to dismiss all charges.
- Murder(Miami-Dade County Case NoF07000377D) – 4/3/07 – CASE DISMISSED. Gregory Curtis obtained a dismissal of a four count indictment whereby the defendant in the above captioned case where the defendant was charged with two counts of attempted murder in the second degree, armed assault and battery and aggravated battery. The defendant was facing 30 years to life in state prison. After successive hearings on the issues Gregory was able to show that the evidence was insufficient to sustain the charges. The prosecutor agreed and all charges were dismissed.
- Probation Violation
- Restraining Order
- Kidnapping(Broward County Case) No. 06-2181 CF 10A) – 1/24/07 Dismissal ON ALL 14 COUNTS. Gregory Curtis obtained a dismissal on all fourteen counts for a defendant who faced life in prison stemming from two home invasion robberies and a kidnapping. Greg proved that the identification testimony from the five witnesses who identified the defendant was not credible. Five different police agencies were involved in the investigation of the case, and a total of twelve witnesses came forward.
- Business Disputes
- Real Estate Litigation
- Property Damage
- Personal InjuryCar Accidents and Product Liability: Representing clients in personal injury cases, seeking compensation for damages caused by accidents or defective products.
- Medical Malpractice
- Auto Accidents