- Engine RepairWhen your vehicle shows any sign of trouble, bring it to Affordable Kar Kare for full-service engine repair in Mesquite, TX. From diagnostic check engine light repair to precision engine part repair, our expert auto mechanics are ready to help you.
- Oil ChangeTo keep your vehicle running properly at all times, we offer a number of services in the Mesquite, TX 75149 area that are carried out by our certified, expert auto service and repair technicians who have years of experience performing everything from oil changes to a complete engine overhaul.
- Engine Tune-Up
- Exhaust System Repair
- Starter Repair
- Alternator Repair
- Engine ServicesEngine maintenance is vital to keep your car or truck operating at peak performance. It also impacts the longevity of your vehicle's engine. Trust the experts at Affordable Kar Kare to help you protect your investment. Call us at 972-329-0771 or visit our shop in Mesquite 75149.
- Engine ReplacementAfter years of use, your car's engine inevitably deteriorates. If you car needs a new engine and you are not ready to invest in a new car, consider having the engine rebuilt. This involves replacing or resurfacing all the rundown parts in an engine. Regardless of your engine replacement needs, Affordable Kar Kare has experienced engine rebuilders ready to assist you.
- Engine DiagnosticWe perform scheduled services for domestic vehicles, and provide complete repair services including tires, alignments, brakes, front ends, rear ends, transmissions, diagnostic services, engine diagnostics and repairs, electronics service and repair. We have factory level diagnostic equipment and trained technicians.
- Spark Plug ReplacementAt Affordable Kar Kare we recommend replacing spark plugs before they reach the 80,000-mile mark. Many car owners delay spark plug replacement until the engine starts "missing." An engine that is "missing" will typically result in a jerking feeling when accelerating. Spark plugs that are severely worn out will create a pinging or knocking sound. These fouled, worn-out spark plugs can lead to extensive engine damage that is expensive to fix. Therefore, replacing spark plugs before they reach the 80,000-mile mark is very important.
- Emissions Inspection
- Timing Belt/Chain Replacement
- Fuel Injection Service/RepairFuel injection is a system for admitting fuel into an engine. Since 1990, fuel injectors have completely replaced carburetors as the primary means of getting gasoline into the engine. A fuel injector atomizes the fuel by forcibly pumping it through a small nozzle (under high pressure). Failure of the fuel injection system means poor performance and ultimately destroys the engine. Make sure your vehicle's fuel injection system is maintained properly. For all your fuel injection maintenance and replacement needs, call 972-329-0771 or visit Affordable Kar Kare today.
- Muffler Repair and Replacement
- Transmission ServiceA four-wheel (4x4) drive vehicle has differential gears, both front and rear axles, and a transfer case attached to the transmission. Four-wheel drive vehicles demand maintenance on the transfer case, front differentials, rear differentials, and transmission fluids. Visit us on 222 S Galloway Ave for service on your four-wheel drive transmission services.
- Transmission RepairFrom manual to automatic transmission repair, Affordable Kar Kare in Mesquite, TX 75149 knows how to fix the problem. Our knowledgeable auto experts will diagnose the situation and help you make a decision. Leave the dirty work to us!
- Transmission Fluid ServiceAlthough most manufacturers recommend a transmission flush every 30,000 miles or every two years, some symptoms may indicate that you need a transmission flush sooner. Some of the symptoms that indicate that your car needs a transmission flush sooner are: transmission grinding or strange noises, problems shifting gears, slipping gears, surging of the car, and delay in vehicle movement. Flushing the used fluid from the transmission washes away tiny particles of dirt, clutch material, and metal shavings. For all your transmission flush needs, call 972-329-0771 or visit Affordable Kar Kare today - we are transmission experts.
- Transmission ReplacementIn motor vehicles, the transmission usually refers to the gear box, which uses gears and gear trains to transmit speed and torque from a rotating power source to another device. You can have your car's transmission replaced with a new, rebuilt, remanufactured, repaired or used transmission. For more information contact Affordable Kar Kare in Mesquite, TX. Our experienced service technicians can help you make the best decision for your vehicle and your wallet.
- Clutch Service/RepairThere are clutches in both automatic and manual transmission cars, and different types of clutches. When shifting gears, the clutch engages and disengages from the flywheel and transfers the torque through the transmission. Clutches should help your vehicle start and shift gears smoothly. The clutch in your car receives a lot of wear and can eventually wear out. If your clutch begins slipping irregularly or is making noises that are raising suspicion, contact Affordable Kar Kare to see if clutch replacement is necessary.
- Differential Service/RepairQ: What is front and rear differential service? A: Differential services performed by one of the professional technicians at Affordable Kar Kare usually includes draining the old fluid from the differentials and replacing it with new fluid according to the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations and specifications. Sometimes other components surrounding the differential may need to be serviced as well.
- Axle Repair
- Suspension Service/RepairQ: What is the difference between shocks and struts? A: Shocks and struts are both parts of a vehicle's suspension system. However, each has a very specific job. Your vehicle has either shocks or struts. You cannot replace your shocks with struts and vice versa. Shock absorbers are hydraulic components that help minimize movement generated by the vehicle's springs. These springs absorb some of the jolts you might feel from uneven or damaged roads. Struts are structural components of certain vehicles' steering and suspension systems. They usually consist of a spring and a shock absorber. Struts are designed to be much stronger than shocks since they are designed for vehicles that carry heavy loads.
- Steering Service/RepairWheel alignment (or simply alignment) is standard car maintenance that involves adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the manufacturer's specifications. The main purpose is to let the suspension and the steering systems operate at their desired angles - this reduces tire wear. Alignment is a complicated process and not all mechanics get it right. To have experts handle your car's alignment, visit Affordable Kar Kare.
- Steering Fluid Service
- Air Conditioning Service/RepairAir Conditioning - A marginally operating system will fail in hot weather. Have the system examined by a qualified technician. Newer models have cabin air filters that clean the air entering the heating and air conditioning system. Check your owner's manual for location and replacement interval.
- Radiator Service/RepairQ: What does radiator service include? A: Radiator service starts with draining the system. Then we flush the radiator and engine block, inspecting all hoses to make sure they're not cracked. Next we refill the radiator with fresh coolant and finish by pressure testing the radiator cap and cooling system.
- Radiator FlushA car's coolant system transfers excess heat from one part of the engine and finally loses it through the radiator fins. With time, the coolant becomes old and dirty. The old coolant will negatively impact the system's performance. To make sure the system is working effectively, consider having a regular coolant system flush. A coolant flush is basic maintenance for your car's cooling system. Call 972-329-0771 or visit Affordable Kar Kare in Mesquite, TX 75149 for all your coolant system flush and fill needs.
- Air Filter ReplacementAs cars get older, they need more maintenance and repair. Drivers in Mesquite must be more diligent about preventative maintenance. Replacing a bad O2 Sensor costs $250.00 on average. This may increase or decrease based on the make and model of your car or truck. However, performing recommended auto maintenance such as air filter replacement and spark plug replacement can extend the life of your O2 sensor.
- Tire RotationTire rotation is the practice of moving the wheels and tires of an automobile from one position to another, to ensure even tire wear, which extends the useful life of a set of tires. Rotation is important because each tire on a car carries a different amount of weight, making them wear at different rates. By rotating them, you basically even out those differences. Your owner's manual will tell you how often to rotate your tires, but as a rule of thumb, it should be done every 5,000 to 8,000 miles.
- Wheel AlignmentAvoid uneven tire wear and extend the life of your tires with a fast and affordable tire alignment at Affordable Kar Kare in Mesquite. Call us today at 972-329-0771 and schedule an appointment.
- Tire ServiceIt is recommended that tires, including the spare, be periodically inspected by a tire service professional during routine maintenance intervals such as oil changes and tire rotations. We will inspect the tire tread and sidewalls for irregular tread wear, cracking, scrapes, bulges, cuts, snags, foreign objects or other damage resulting from use. We will remove any stones, glass, foreign objects, etc. embedded in the tread to prevent further damage. Even minor damage can lead to further injury and eventual tire failure. Tires with excessive cracking on the tread or sidewall(s) should be removed from service. This is typically caused by under inflation, over loading, improper storage, and/or improper long-term parking.
- Tire Inspection
- Brake Service
- Brake Fluid ServiceBrake fluid will absorb water from the air over time, causing the brake system to become less effective and the fluid to become corrosive, possibly damaging the system. It is important to perform a brake fluid flush regularly to ensure that your vehicle is using fresh fluid. Talk to our technicians at Affordable Kar Kare about when it's time for a brake fluid flush.
- Brake Repair
- Brake Replacement
- Body/Collision Repair
- Glass Repair/Replacement
- Car Detailing
- Lighting Services
- Battery ServiceThe battery supplies electric energy which powers the ignition system, the starter motor, and the lights of an automotive. If you need to jump-start your vehicle in the morning, your battery could be failing. When a battery starts deteriorating, it can either be replaced or repaired - this will depend on the severity of the damage. If you are having issues with your car battery, contact Affordable Kar Kare in Mesquite, TX. We provide a convenient battery testing and replacement service to get you back on the road. Battery replacement, charging, installation, testing, and recycling - we handle it all.
- Electrical Service/RepairHave a dead battery? Misfiring starter or alternator? For all of your auto electrical repair and maintenance needs, come to Affordable Kar Kare in Mesquite, TX 75149. We service your vehicle with care, providing a high level of workmanship you can trust.
- Electronic Service/RepairNo matter how carefully you drive, your domestic car will need occasional general repairs. These general repairs may include engine diagnostics and repairs, alignments, brakes, front end and rear end diagnostic services and electronics service and repair. To have your domestic vehicle repaired and maintained, contact Affordable Kar Kare today. At Affordable Kar Kare, we have experts who can handle even the most challenging domestic vehicles.
- General RepairsFor quick, honest and affordable auto repair near Sunnyvale come to Affordable Kar Kare. Talk with any of Affordable Kar Kare's auto repair experts about your car or truck. We complete your repairs quickly and get you back on the road in a jiffy.
- Towing Service
- Auto MaintenanceSchedule regular auto maintenance to avoid future high cost repairs and to keep your car or truck running at peak performance. Call one of our pro mechanics now at 972-329-0771. Don't stop moving forward, keep appointments and commitments.
- Belts and Hoses ServiceCheck hoses and belts. A belt that fails can affect the electrical system, air conditioning and power steering, as well as the cooling system. Cooling system hoses may be deteriorating from within, so old hoses and clamps in marginal condition might need to be replaced.