- GlaucomaGlaucoma is the name given to a group of eye diseases in which the optic nerve at the back of the eye is slowly damaged then destroyed. It is a leading cause of blindness and vision impairment affecting approximately 2.5 million Americans. Read more about Glaucoma…
- OphthalmologyOur doctors are involved in teaching at various medical schools locally and nationally. Dr. Moretsky and Dr. Cassidy are associate professors of Ophthalmology at the A.T. Still University, Missouri and Arizona; and participate in clinical Ophthalmology education at Midwestern University, Arizona. Dr. Moretsky was a volunteer for the Mobile Eye Clinic of the University of Arizona, College of Medicine in Tucson. Dr. Moretsky and Dr. Cassidy have participated in FDA Clinical Trials for new design intra-ocular lenses and pharmaceuticals. Dr. Stock served as an eye surgeon in the US Army prior to entering private practice in Wisconsin. Dr. Stock has held the Chief of Staff position and has served on many hospital and physician group practice boards.
- Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration is a deterioration or breakdown of the macula. The macula is a small area in the retina at the back of the eye that allows you to see fine details clearly and perform activities such as reading and driving. Read more about Macular Degeneration…
- Laser Eye SurgeryWe don’t pay for endorsement or affiliation fees for pro-sports team exposure. Our credibility comes from hundreds of local doctors have relied on for eye surgery for themselves or their immediate families.
- CataractsThere are several other eye problems that exist along with cataracts. Click on the name to learn about each one.
- Cataract SurgeryDr. Moretsky and Dr. Cassidy are amongst the first select group of eye surgeons in America to perform the Vivity lens implants, the first and only FDA-approved X-Wave technology that provides extended vision. Learn More about Modern Cataract Surgery
- General PodiatryYes. Once the list is compiled, PHOENIX magazine’s fact-checkers verify the doctors’ names, addresses, phone numbers and board certifications. In addition, each name is checked against the state’smedical boards to determine if the doctor is currently under probation or has had his or her license revoked. Those who have are removed from the list. To find out more about individual doctors, visit azmd.gov for M.D.s and D.O.s; and podiatry.state,az.us for podiatrists.