- Guacamole
- Quesadilla De Maiz - Corn
- Super Quesadilla - Flour
- Super Quesadilla C - Carne
- Flour Quesadilla With Meat
- Quesadilla De Maiz C - Carn
- Asadasteak
- Al Pastorroast pork
- Pollochicken
- Carnitasfried pork
- Chorizomexican sausage
- Tripitas
- Cabeza
- Vegetarianavegetarian
- Lenguabeef tongue
- Arroz Y Frijolesrice and beans
- Chips And Salsachips with sauce
- Chips Y Pico De Gallo
- Carne Asada Al Carbonskirt steak cooked on grill with jalapeno and onions
- Lomo Encebolladou.s.d.a choice steak and onions and jalapeno peppers
- Lomo A La Mexicanau.s.d.a choice steak with onions, jalapeno peppers and tomatoes
- Costillas De Puerco En Salsa
- Fajitas De Pollochicken grilled with green peppers, tomato and onions
- Fajitas De Camaronesshrimps grilled with green pepper, tomatoes and onions
- Fajitas De Resbeef grilled with green pepper, tomato and onions
- Pechuga De Pollo A La Parrillachicken breast with tomato jalapeno, onion, melted cheese
- Coctel De Camaronesshrimp cocktail
- Camorones Rancherosshrimp with ranchero sauce
- Higado Encebolladobeef liver with jalapeno, onions and bacon
- Orden De Milanezabreaded steak dinner
- Orden Asada
- Orden De Lenguabeef tongue dinner
- Orden De Al Pastorroast pork dinner
- Orden De Pollochicken dinner
- Cecina Asadaflat steak with onions and jalapeno pepper
- Tres Tacos Con Arroz Y Frijoles
- Taco Dinner 3 Tacos Steak, Pork Or Chickenburrito dinner with rice and beans
- Cardo De Resbeef soup
- Caldo De Gallinachicken soup
- Heuvos Con Chorizo3 eggs mix with mexican sauce
- Huevos A La Mexican3 eggs mixed with onions, jalapeno pepper and tomato
- Huevos Rancherose eggs with ranchero sauce
- Huevos Con Jamon3 scrambled eggs
- Chilaquiles Con Huevos Estrelladoschilaquiles with eggs
- Chilaquiles Con Bistekchilaquiles with u.s.d.a. steak
- Aguacateavocado
- Quesocheese
- Cremasour cream
- Asadasteak
- Al Pastorpork roast
- Pollochicken
- Carnitasfried pork
- Chorizomexican sausage
- Trpitas
- Cabeza
- Sesos
- Lenguabeef tongue
- Asadasteak
- Pollochicken
- Carnitasfried pork
- Gabeza
- Lenguabeef tongue
- Vegearianovegetarian
- Burrito Suizo
- Tripitas
- Asadasteak
- Al Pastorroast pork
- Pollochicken
- Carnitasfried pork
- Chrizomexican sausage
- Tripitas
- Cabeza
- Vegetarianavegetarian
- Lenguabeef tongue
- Asadasteak
- Al Pastorroast pork
- Pollochicken
- Carnitasfried pork
- Cabeza
- Lenguabeef tongue
- Milanzeabreaded steak
- Jamonham
- Vegetarianavegetarian
- Rajas Con Queso
- Hongos Con Queso
- Pollochicken
- Chicharron En Salsa
- Asadasteak
- Chorizomexican sausage
- Al Pastorroast pork
- Frijolesbeans
- Horchata
- Homemade Rice Water
- Jamaica
- Jarritos
- Sidral
- Sangria
- Mexican Sodas
- Coca Mexican
- Mexican Coke
- Sodas De Bote
- Sprite
- Coke And Orange
- Cafecoffee
- Tacallentehot tea
- Licuado D' Fresa
- Strawberry Milkshake
- Licuadosd' Mamey
- Jugo Naranja
- Natural Orange Jui
- Jugo De Zanahorla
- Carrots Juice