- Savannah Chopped Salad$8.69Fresh flavors put together in a fresh way. Try a bouquet of flavors with grilled chicken, dried cranberries, Gorgonzola, honey roasted almonds, tomatoes and cucumbers, perfectly arranged so that you enjoy every bite. Chef's dressing selection: Sherry Shallot
- Southwest Cobb$8.59This isn't your grandmother's cobb salad. We put grilled chicken, fire-roasted corn and poblano pepper relish, guacamole, cheddar-jack, tomatoes and tortilla chips all over a bed of lettuce for tons of flavor. Chef's dressing selection: Chipotle Ranch
- Spud Max$8.19A ginormous potato filled passed the rim. Max out your potato with ham, turkey, bacon, cheddar-jack, green onions, black olives and sour cream. We almost even threw in the kitchen sink
- Spud Olé™$7.39Turn your Idaho potato into a Southwestern feast. Top your spud with chili, cheddar-jack and jalapeños for Mexican flavor and flare. You'll be asking for "Más"
- ChiliCup: $3.89Bowl: $5.49The quintessential winter warm-up. Get your spoon ready, because our chili is chunky with beef, beef and more beef to give it a hearty flavor that will warm your heart
- Veggie ChiliCup: $3.89Bowl: $5.49Satisfy your hunger and soothe your soul. A hearty, meatless, all-bean chili that has all the seasoning you love. This is our take on the classic we all love, especially on those cold days
- Nacho Basket$6.19A mexican fave with a McAlister's twist. Enjoy a spicy crunch with these tortilla chips served with RO*TEL® cheese sauce and sliced jalepeño peppers. It's a perfect dish to put in the center of the table and let everyone at it
- Ultimate Nachos$7.79Turn up your nachos to 10. Chili, RO*TEL®, black olives, tomatoes, jalapeños, green onions, cheddar-jack, guacamole and sour cream all on top of a crunchy bed of tortilla chips. Arriba, arriba, this is a party on a plate
- Mac & Cheese$0.99Perfect for when you want to be cheesy. This mac and cheese isn't just for kids, it's an adult fave
- Coleslaw$0.99What cabbage wants to be when it grows up. This is the kind of coleslaw that slaw lovers love. Finely cut with a flavorful creamy sauce, we won't be shocked if you want it for your main course