- Famous Red Velvet Cupcake$3.75Grandma's red velvet cake with our signature cream cheese frosting
- Lemon Drop Cupcake$3.75Vanilla cake filled with tangy lemon topped with our lemon buttercream and a dollop of tangy lemon
- Pink Chocolate Cupcake$3.75Chocolate cake with our signature buttercream frosting
- Cupcake Smash$8.00Choose a flavor: Famous Red Velvet, Cookies and Cream, Lemon Drop, Pink Vanilla, Pink Chocolate, Birthday Cake, Hot Fudge Sundae, Peanut Butter Cup, Choco-ho-lic, Caramel Crunch, Vanilla and Chocolate, Decadent Chocolate
- Lemonade$2.50
- Bottled Water$1.75
- Fruit Punch$2.50
- Chocolate Chip Cookie$1.75
- Cup of Ice Cream1 Scoop: $2.752 Scoops: $5.00Choose a flavor: Vanilla, Milk Chocolate, Strawberry, Mint, Chocolate Chip, Snickers, 24 Carat
- Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie$4.75