- Boot Camp class are different every day! Classes are made up of sports drills including: football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, track and field, boxing as well as military and martial arts experience. We have a bigger list of exercises than any other gym
- One Class$20.00Expires 5/21/18
- 10 Class Pass$130.00Expires 7/21/18. The 10 Class Pass expires 3 months from attending your first class
- 20 Class Pass$220.00Expires 9/21/18.The 20 Class Pass expires 6 months from attending your first class
- Our program is designed for those people that are just getting started to exercise or have been away from exercise for a prolonged time. All exercises are done on a time basis rather than by count, this allows each persona to do their personal best. We have modifications for every exercise. This is the best way to start a healthy lifestyle or get back into shape. We remove the anxiety of getting started with a new exercise program
- Beginners Program$229.00Expires 8/21/18