- 16 oz. Beauty and The Greens Juice$7.95Apple, kale, lemon, spinach, cucumber and celery.
- 16 oz. Sweet Green Zing Juice$7.95Apple, kale, lemon, spinach, cucumber, celery and ginger.
- 16 oz. 24 Carrot Kale Juice$7.95Carrot, kale and orange juice.
- 16 oz. Fred and Ginger Juice$7.95Apple, ginger, lemon and beet.
- 16 oz. Sweet Kale Immunity Juice$7.95Kale, apple, carrot, orange juice and lemon.
- 16 oz. The Heart Beeter Juice$7.95Beet, carrot, apple, ginger, spinach and lemon.
- 16 oz. Simply Juice$6.95Choose up to 3 ingredients: Apple, Orange, Carrot, Beet.
- 16 oz. Tropical Detox Juice$7.95Pineapple, apple, cucumber and mint.
- 16 oz. Cool Pineapple Zen Juice$7.95Pineapple, cucumber, apple, lemon and mint.
- 16 Oz. Sweet Pineapple Greens Juice$7.95Pineapple, spinach and mint.