- Pate' De La MaisonA La Carte: $4.95homemade pate
- Tarte Aux ChampignonsA La Carte: $4.95mushroom ple in a light pastry crust
- Escargots De BourgogneA La Carte: $6.25Complete Dinner: $2.95snalls and mushrooms in garlic butter, no shells
- Coquille St Jacques ProvencaleA La Carte: $6.95Complete Dinner: $2.95fresh sea scallops seared with olive oil, garlic, tomato, basil
- Tarte A La Tomate Et Fromage De ChevresA La Carte: $5.95goat cheese and tomato tart
- Soupe A'l Oignon GratineeA La Carte: $3.95traditional onion soup, baked with cheese
- L' Assiette De Saumon FumeA La Carte: $7.95Complete Dinner: $4.95smoked fresh norwegian salmon with garniture
- Truite Aux AmandesA La Carte: $15.95Complete Dinner: $19.95trout almondine
- Filet De Sole Florentine Aux Deux FromagesA La Carte: $16.95Complete Dinner: $20.95fillet of sole, stuffed spinach and two cheese
- Crevettes GrilleesA La Carte: $17.95Complete Dinner: $21.95shrimps, marinated and grilled served with a chilled, spicy paprika sauce, zesty
- Crevettes Scampi A L'ailA La Carte: $18.95Complete Dinner: $22.95shrimps in seasoned garlic butter
- Cuisse De Grenouilles A La ProvencaleA La Carte: $18.95Complete Dinner: $22.95fresh frog legs with garlic and herbs
- La Poitrjne De Volaille Farcies, Sauce BordelaiseA La Carte: $16.95Complete Dinner: $20.95chicken breast stuffed with spinach and mushrooms, red bordeaux sauce
- Canard Rotie Au Mel Et CitronA La Carte: $16.95Complete Dinner: $20.95roasted duck with honey and lemon sauce
- Poulet Grille Au GingembreA La Carte: $15.95Complete Dinner: $19.95breast of chicken, marinated in fresh ginger and garlic, grilled to perfection
- Escalope De Veau A La CremeA La Carte: $17.95Complete Dinner: $21.95fresh veal cutlet, served i light cream sauce with mushroom
- Filet Mignon Grilee Aux ChampignonsComplete Dinner: $24.95files beef tenderloin, grilled and served with mushrooms
- Filet De Boeuf Au Requefort Ou Sauce Au PoivreA La Carte: $20.95Complete Dinner: $24.95filet of beef, bleu cheese and cognac sauce or green pepper corn sauce
- Carre'd' Agneau Roti Aux HerbsA La Carte: $21.95Complete Dinner: $25.95roasted rack of lamb, crusted with herbs
- Truite Aux Tomates Et Au CitronA La Carte: $15.95Complete Dinner: $19.95boneless fillet of trout, tomatoes and lemon
- Fruits De Mer Aux HerbesA La Carte: $16.95Complete Dinner: $20.95seafood, medley, shrimp, scallops, salmon and today fish combined with fresh herbs