- Chipotle Southwest Steak & Cheese Signature Wrap$8.29Saddle up with this delicious tomato basil wrap jam-packed with a double portion of steak and topped with your favorite tex-mex flavors like Monterey cheddar, guacamole, jalapeƱos, lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, green peppers and Chipotle Southwest sauce. Choose a wrap flavor: Spinach Wrap, Tomato Basil Wrap.Choose a cheese: American Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Shredded Monterey Cheddar Cheese, No Cheese. Would you like toppings?: Jalapeno Peppers, Baby Spinach, Black Olives, Cucumbers, Green Peppers.Would you like sauce?: Ranch Dressing, Black Pepper, Chipotle Southwest, Grated Parmesan Cheese, Light Mayonnaise.
- Savory Rotisserie-Style Chicken Caesar Signature Wrap$8.29Who can resist the classic combination of a delicious Spinach wrap filled with a double portion of tender Rotisserie-Style chicken with seasoning and marinade topped with Monterey Cheddar, Parmesan cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and Savory Caesar sauce? It's fit for an emperor. Choose a wrap flavor: Spinach Wrap, Tomato Basil Wrap.Choose a cheese: American Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Shredded Monterey Cheddar Cheese, No Cheese. Would you like toppings?: Jalapeno Peppers, Baby Spinach, Black Olives, Cucumbers, Green Peppers.Would you like sauce?: Ranch Dressing, Black Pepper, Chipotle Southwest, Grated Parmesan Cheese, Light Mayonnaise.
- Applesauce$1.69
- Baked Lay's Chips$1.39
- 1% Low Fat White Milk$1.89
- Dasani Water$2.29
- Chocolate Chip Cookie$0.79
- Oatmeal Raisin Cookie$0.79