- Nicaraguan Matagalpa Estate$10.30This medium-bodied organic is full flavored and bright w- an exceptionally clean finish. Certified shade grown
- Decaf Vanilla Hazelnut$10.95A balanced blend of nut, vanilla and cream
- What's in a name? Everything, if that name is" signature blends. "here at crimson cup, we insist on a complexity of tastes and rich undertones that can't be duplicated. Get this: our first original, Armando's blend, took nearly a year to get just right. We tasted a lot of coffee that year. Ah, good times
- Armando's Blend$10.65Our one blend is a perfect medium roast with beans from Central America, Indonesia, and Africa. Slightly sweet with a nutty undertone, Armando's blend was created especially to taste great as an espresso, a blended drink, and a drip. All of them delicious, delicious, delicious
- Morning Commute$10.50A central American base complemented with dark roasted Indonesian beans. This popular light roast with a hint of the dark is a favorite of those who enjoy breakfast with their Sunday paper
- Coffee beans need a healthy ego to try out for crimson cup single origin status. Our infamous auditions include tests in citizenship, appearance, freshness and a rigorous country-specific roasting marathon. Only then does a bean earn the right to declare itself crimson cup. Try some. We'll knock your socks off
- Guatemala Antiqua Finca Medina$10.65
- Costa Rican Tarrazu$9.45One of the most admired Central American coffees, this full-bodied bean has a robust richness, higher acidity and a smooth, clean finish
- All of our organic coffees are fair trade certified, so the farmers get a good price. The workers get a safe job site. The earth gets to revolve the way nature intended (counterclockwise, btw). And you get to save the world--ta da!--one cup at a time. Fair trade organic. A cup in the right direction
- Mexico Shb Chiapas Jacinto$10.85From the cooperative nubes de oro (clouds of gold) near the El Triunfo reserve comes this nice medium bodied coffee with mild acidity and a vanilla caramel finish. Certified bird-friendly by the Smithsonian migratory bird center
- Flowing Amazon$10.85A blend of both light and dark roast organic beans from Central America and Indonesia results in a smooth, well-balanced cup and a sweet aftertaste
- In their wild state, coffee beans are loaded with caffeine. But some beans choose the gentle brooks and soft Swiss water baths of our coffee day spas. These are our decafs. As yummy and deep and rich as any high test original. But so much more relaxed. Bliss out with crimson cup decaf. In light, medium or dark roasts
- Decaf Iced Coffee$11.55
- Decaf Colombian Supremo$10.50Columbia's highest grade coffee has a full, well-balanced flavor that makes it the most popular coffee in the U.S.