- Belgian Aleblond, amber, brown, a sort of catchall category with vast ranges of characters.
- Begian Golden Strogn Aledelicious and high in akohol, refrehing but can be develshly devastating.
- Dubbel Bemid strengh dark amber to brown, a large and lasting head.complex flavor of sweet malts and dark fruit.
- Tripel Beyellow to deep gold, carbonated like a champager, full range of flavor with a dry finish
- Quadrupel / Abt Bestrong, rich, malt flavors, an alcohol presence is very noticable
- Lambic Bespontaneous femented ale that is indigenous to the seme valley, dominated with a unique tartness from the wild yeast.
- Blended Lambics Befruit lambicas add whole fruits faros add candy sugar geuzes highly carbonated blend of old and young lambics
- Flanders Oud Bruin Beslightly vinegary with lactic soumess spicy to smoth and sweet
- Flanders Sour Red Beinfamously sour created by special yeast stains. normally aged in oak bareek.
- Saison Berustic farmhouse ale brewed for the summer months. complex sometimes fruity style
- Witbier Becloudy unfiltered wheat brew spiced with criander and orange peel. white beers crisp with slight twang.
- English Bittera depth of hop bitterness. gold to copper, light bodied low carbonation.
- Extra Special Strong Bitter Esbbalanced, both in alcohol and hop character, nothing overpowering. and depire its name, not really all that bitter.
- English India Pale Ale Ipaoriginally brewed for shipment to india during the 1700s high in alcohol and well hopped as hops are a natural preservative.
- English Pale Aletraditionally brewed with rich hand water helping with the clarity as well as enhancing the hop bittemess.
- English Mild Alesession beer. alcohol content is traditionally low, low carbonation with a near still, bubbly head.
- English Brown Alecreated from the mild ale, tend to be malty and sweet with a fuller body.
- English Porterfirst brewed by blending styles to mask imperfections, similar to a brown ale but thicker with more roasted flavor. tasty
- English Stoutblack charred unmalted barley lends a smoth dry character and a huge roasted flavor
- Milk / Sweet Stout Engadded milk sugars lend body and some sweetness.
- Russian Imperial Stout Engthe "king of stouts" boasting high alcohol and plenty of malt character
- Scottish Aleslight, heavy export or wee heavy, hops don't generally grow in scotland but there's plenty of barley
- Irish Dry Stouttend to have light bodies and lower carbonation, highly drinkable. distinct roasted character.
- Irish Reda sweeter ale with tea-like flavor and a dryer finish
- English Storng Alebig flavors, rich with biting alcohol.
- Old Ale /stock Ale Engand old -school acidie, matiture beer with similarites to a port wine.
- English Barley Wineone of the strongest of the beer styles. bright, fruity, massively alcoholic, intersity can be a challenge to the paate
- English Seasonalssummer ales, harvest ales and winter warmers.
- Kolsch Gercologne's pale style, a somewhat vinous grapery and dry flavor
- Altbier Gerdusseldorf's exceptionally smoth and declicate brew. malty, hoppy amber to dark brown
- Berliner Weissbier Gerberlin's white, refreshing, tar, sour and acidic, kmony sharponess and almost no hop bitterness
- Gose Gerold style cloudy wheat refreshing with a sharpness from the addition of salt.
- Hefe Weizen Ger"wheat with yeast" hence the beers cloudy apperance. hints of banas and cloves
- Kristal Weizen Gera filtered hefe weizen, cleancer and softer on the palate
- Dunkel Weizen Ger"dark wheat" clove and fruity characters some may even taste like banana bread.
- Weizenbock Gera powerful dunkel weizen of "bock" strength. bold alcoho, complex malt, and characters of dark fruits.
- Reggenbier Gerbrewed with large portions of rye espect a spiciness and sour character
- Czech Pilsnerthe "perfect pilsner" smoooth and crisp with a crystal clean malty palate, many are grassy
- German Pilsnersmilar to czech pilsners but with german noble hops, a bit dnier and bittere
- Bock Gerrepresencted by a goat. months of lagenign produce this strong lager. dominated by a rich maltioness.
- Doppelbock Gerhuge. engough malt packed in them to consider them a meal in its self. names mostly suffixed in "ator"
- Eisbock Gerconcentrated by freezing off a portion of the water producing an almost syruppy body with tons of malty flavor.
- Dormunder / Export Lager Gerhoney colored, classic clean character with biscuity malts, bitter, with an overall dry tone
- Munich Dunkel Lager Ger"dunkel" meaning dark ruby hues. somooth, rich and complex, without being overbearing or heavy. a fullbodied robust beer.
- Munich Helles Larger Germunich's bright larger. spicy hop characters of czech pils, but a bit more mellow and in balance with malts.
- Rauchbbier Gergreen malts dried over an open fire lend assertive tastes of spice and smoke.
- Schwarzbier Ger"black beer" thirst quenching lighter beer, but one with depth of color and taste.
- Maibock / Helles Bock Gerlighter in colcor but with the strengh of a traditional bock, customarilly served with spirng festivals.
- Milrzen / Oktoberfest Germarch brewed and largerred for the famous bavarian fest. full-bodied, rich, toasty, dark copper to orange/red