- Deep Tissue MassageIf a chronic self-perpetuating inflammation has become established, the local infiltration of corticosteroid may interrupt the process. The scar then becomes painless and the tissue, no longer deprived of its functional motion and appropriate stress, again remodels. Another less invasive approach is deep tissue manipulation. (A System of Orthopedic Medicine: Ombregt, Bissschop, J ter Veer 2003, p45)
- CryotherapyThe Kinesio Taping® Method involves taping over and around muscles in order to assist and give support or to prevent over-contraction. The first technique gives the practitioner the opportunity to actually give support while maintaining full range of motion. This enables the individual to participate in their normal physical activity with functional assistance. The second technique, which is most commonly used in the acute stage of rehabilitation, helps prevent overuse or over-contraction and helps provide facilitation of lymph flow for an entire 24 hour period. Correctional techniques include mechanical, lymphatic, ligament/tendon, fascia, space and functional. Kinesio Tex® Tape can be used in conjunction with other therapies, including cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, massage therapy, and electrical stimulation.
- Manipulation TherapyWest Melbourne Chiropractic - Tune-UpsWhat are tune-ups? A chiropractic tune-up may also be called palliative care, wellness care, etc..., but in general it's interval care on a regular basis of variable frequency to work out the kinks that may be developing in your spine. Supportive careis provided for those who, for various reasons, have recurrent problems.This is a controversial subject within chiropractic as well as among lay people and other health care disciplines.For a theoretical rational of why these tune-ups may actually be beneficial please see information below.Are Regular Interval Visits Good for You?You Be The JudgeDr. James E. GreathouseSpinal Problems Are CommonIf you havent experienced a back or neck problem yet, chances are you still will at some point. If you have suffered a back or neck problem, studies show you are more likely to experience recurrent problems. The highest rate of incidence is between 30 and 50 years old, and typically does not involve a significant traumatic event. These are just a few statistical facts.While chiropractic care isnt the only effective way to treat spinal problems and it isnt the end all to management; manual therapy may be a helpful component to prevention and management of problems once they do occur.Ongoing Problems More Common Than Conventional Wisdom Reportsvon Korff based his skepticism of low back pain's benign natural history on his report that 69% of recent and 82% of non-recent onset patients were still experiencing back pain one year later. (146) He later published that 33% of those contacted one year after their low back pain onset were still experiencing back pain with at least moderate intensity, 15% were still having severe back pain, and 25% continue to report substantial activity limitations. (147)In 1998, Croft et al. reported the results of interviews with 490 low back pain patients 3, 6, and 12 months after seeking care for their low back pain. (35) His results were similar to von Korff's. Only 21% had completely recovered at 3 months. Interestingly however, just like the 1996 Dillane study, 90% had stopped consulting with their doctors by three months, further discrediting care seeking as a surrogate for recovering. Even at 12 months, 75% of those surveyed indicated they were still not fully functional or without symptoms. A number of other studies also challenge the overly optimistic view of low back pain's natural history. (26, 113, 142)These data would seem to be a more accurate reflection of these patients natural history and also clearly portray a far less benign natural history than what guidelines continue to report.Recoveries Followed by Recurrences Are CommonThe second important characteristic of low back pain, and where there's little controversy, is that it commonly recurs in the form of episodes; as many as 75% who experience their 1st episode of low back pain have a recurrence. (77, 119, 142)Croft: "the message from the figures is that, in any one year, recu
- Myofascial TherapyManipulation, Mobilization, Massage, Gross Passive Manual Therapy, PNF (muscle inhibition & facilitation), Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Work.
- Therapeutic ExercisePhysical medicine and rehabilitation involves the management of disorders that alter the function and performance of the patient. Emphasis is placed on the optimization of function through the combined use of medications, physical modalities, physical training with therapeutic exercise, movement & activities modification, adaptive equipment and assistive device, orthotics (braces), prosthesis, and experiential training approaches.
- Chiropractic Injury TreatmentWest Melbourne Chiropractic - When it comes to personal injury you want a healthcare provider that not only provides quality care but one that also documents and supports your case appropriately.Level of Expertise & ExperienceDiplomate, American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board (DACRB), (inactive).Working knowledge of AMA Guides30+ years of practice experience.Experience with live testimony, video testimony, depositions and IMEs.ReputationWe have a good working relationship with area allopaths and routinely incorporate interdisciplinary care with general practitioners, neurologists, orthopedics, neurosurgeons and other rehab specialists.Medical NecessityMedical necessity issues are obviously important for the patient, employers, third party payers and attending physicians. This includes frequency and duration of care, appropriate and timely diagnostic intervention as well as clinically indicated care management. The chiropractic profession has set forth guidelines for case management and our office adheres to these algorithmic standards of care.Effects on Function & Physical CapacityIt's axiomatic that a joint joint will result in some degree of permanency by virtue of the fact that dense connective tissue heals by scar formation, however, it's the effect on function that determines impairment.As a rehab specialist, I am trained to evaluate the patient for loss of basic elements of physical performance and set up a rehabilitation program of care to address deficits found. The doctor and patient going through this process, demonstrating goal oriented sincerity, further validates impairment when it occurs.With the use of valid & reliable objective outcome assessment procedures called physical capacity evaluations, we are better able to document loss in physical performance ability, and translate to functional loss, all of which ultimately determine impairment and assists with disability determination.Subjective Outcome Assessment ToolsThe reliability and validity data published regarding these tools for gathering outcome information is regarded as exceptional and many times out-performs the physical performance tests. These tools provide good insight to a patients activity intolerance, pain level and preliminary psychometric barriers. They also serve as excellent patient progress tracking tools.Inappropriate Illness BehaviorMalingering is rare, but patients may have complicating psychosocial issues that are many times enhanced by injury. Many of the subjective outcome assessment questionnaires double as early indicators of inappropriate illness behavior, as does Waddell's. Inappropriate or disproportionate illness behaviors should be identified early, if present, and managed accordingly.Pre-existing Issues (Causation & Apportionment Analysis)Objective data antedating new injury, compared to post injury objective data plays the strongest role in determining the ultimate cause of final impairment associated with the most recent injury in question. T
- AcupunctureAcupuncture: plenty of evidence this helps. Like anything else though, works for some but not for others. Well worth a try.
- Disc Herniation Treatment$1+West Melbourne Chiropractic - Disc Herniation CareNon-surgical Care For Herniated DiscsCan we really help you avoid back or neck surgery? The answer to that question is, in many instances, yes! When you consider the cost, the post surgical recovery time and possible side effects of surgery (death - permanent nerve damage - worsening pain and disability); the following options are well worth consideration! As a matter of fact, the prognosis with our assessment in most cases, is determined in 3 to 6 visits. *Patients with large compressive lesions (disc herniation with nerve impingement) are generally believed to be more ideally suited to surgical intervention. However, these same patients are those most likely to have a high rate of clinical improvement with nonsurgical treatments. (Nevan G. Baldwin, M.D., Neurosurgical Focus 13 (2), 2002. American Association of Neurological Surgeons).Viable Options To SurgeryThere are two conservative (safe) non-surgical treatment procedures that have been around for 30+ years. Both have proven to be effective and are still successfully utilized in physical medicine today. Both are underutilized by mainstream healthcare (medicine). Dr. Greathouse has been successfully utilizing these procedures for many years along with individualized physical therapy programs with good results.One of the treatment procedures was developed by a physical therapist, called the McKenzie Method or Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment protocol and is based on response to loading strategies; the other was developed by a chiropractor, the Cox Distraction Technique and based manual on decompression of the disc.Hands on treatment provides a significant benefit over mechanized devices such asVax-D & DRX 9000). In both the Cox and McKenzie procedures, the doctor (not a technician) receives immediate feedback to directional preferences and forces that are more effective the individual on a case by case basis. As the disc herniation is many times dynamic (changing) in nature, subtle changes in the treatment procedure can be made on a visit-by-visit basis for better outcomes.Cost ComparisonsCox or McKenzie procedures & management $300-$1,200.Decompression (Vax-D & DRX 9000) $3,000 to $5,000.Back Surgery $8,000.00 to $85,000.00 Please consider these options for disc herniation care, especially before surgery!