- Tax PlanningCorporations pay a flat federal tax of 21% for business profits. Small businesses pay slightly less at 19.8%. However, there are a wide variety of factors that impact those rates. Failing to take advantage of specialized experience with tax planning can result in paying higher rates. Managing tax liabilities and obligations can be a challenge …
- Wealth ManagementAll of our clients have relationships with their CPA firms. CPA firms play a valuable role with key accounting, preparation, and tax planning functions. CPAs tend to spend majority of their time in the accounting and historical numbers for the business and NDC as Chief Financial Officer spends majority of time with the future of the business, forward-thinking numbers and spend most of their time on business matters. We believe the CPA is critical to your success and work collaboratively with your CPA whether you’re an established business or relatively new one. As strategic financial partners, we are forward looking and understand important component of your success is to engage all of the key people involved within your company and your key advisors; CPA, banker, attorney, wealth management planner, etc., we partner with them. The process we employ working with your CPA and others is not just beneficial, its essential to your success.
- Accounting Services