- 1-800-Flowers Garden Pathway$49.99roses, sunflowers, lilies and more, gathered in a green vase, bring back the times when you picked flowers for mom from the neighbors garden. but now you won't get yelled at! components may vary.
- 1-800-Flowers Rose Elegance Premium Dozen Roses - Red$59.99long-stem red roses are just the gift for the one you can trust, the one you can turn to, the one who loves you above all else and knows your heart inside out. give the ultimate expression of romance with this stunning, hand-crafted arrangement of long-stem red roses. floral and vase may vary due to local availability. vase 11"h. arrangement approx. 22"h x 15"w.
- Loves Burning Bright$44.99convey your everlasting love with this distinctive cube design showcasing an assortment of mini green cymbidium orchids, equisetum, red gems, and beaded decorative candle. measures approximately 7"h x 6"w x 6"d.
- Snappy, Happy Birthday$39.99make them smile with this delightful collection of carnations, pink snapdragons, orange gerbera daisies, and pink alstroemeria in a mini spring container. it's a wonderful gift for anyone in your life! measures approximately 21"h x 12"w x 9"d.
- Morning Glow Garden$49.99gorgeous and richly colored fresh flowers including dark pink tulips, 'cool water' roses, dark pink pompons, green pompons, green mums, and plumosa are skillfully presented in a 5" spring bushel basket with handle. measures approximately 18"h x 14"w x 15"d.
- Simple Sophistication$49.99exclusive inspire springtime smiles with a hand-designed, truly original arrangement of sunflowers, lilies, delphinium, dianthus and more. gathered in a stylish glass cylinder vase and accented with a charming butterfly pick, it brings the warmth and style of the season to friends, family, hostesses and the one who captures your heart. vase measures 5"h. large arrangement measures approx. 13"h x 11"l. medium approx. 12"h x 10"l. (shown) small approx. 11"h x 9"l. our florists select the freshest flowers available so colors and varieties may vary. lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days.
- 1-800-Flowers Fields of Europe Spring$39.99inspired by the spectrum of color in the rolling fields of provence, tuscany, and holland, our florists designed this gathering of fresh tulips, lilies, carnations, cremones and more inside a clear glass gathering vase and tied them with raffia, as a nod to rustic european style. floral and vase may vary due to local availability. vase measures 8"h. large arrangement approx. 20"h x 15"w. medium approx. 18"h x 13"w. small approx. 15"h x 11"w.
- 1-800-Flowers Timeless Tulips$49.99tulip blossoms are a sure sign that spring is on its way. send this beautiful bouquet of fresh assorted tulips, hand-arranged in a stylish glass vase tied with raffia, and bring the timeless beauty of the season to their door. floral and vase may vary due to local availability. vase measures 8"h. large arrangement approx. 17"h x 16"w. medium approx. 15"h x 15"w. small approx. 13"h x 14"w.
- Mommy's Time Out$39.99exclusive make it happy hour all day long with this mom-inspired arrangement. sure to appeal to her cosmopolitan side, it's a stylish addition to our signature fresh floral cocktail collection that will give her a well-deserved moment to herself. artistically designed with pink roses, lilies and carnations in an oversized martini glass. acrylic martini glass measures 9"h. large arrangement measures approximately 15"h x 8"l. medium arrangement measures approximately 14"h x 7.5"l (shown). small arrangement measures approximately 13"h x 7"l. our florists select the freshest flowers available so colors and varieties may vary. lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days.
"Fish and Chips" found in 1 dish