- Primary CareDr. Rodriguez (a.k.a. Dr. Sandra) specializes in low risk Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Primary Care. She is known for her calm and caring presence and takes great care to make every birth experience safe and joyful. Dr. Sandra has two boys- Ricky and Andrew.
- Urinary IncontinenceOccasionally urinary urgency and overactive bladder do not improve with traditional treatments such as medications or Kegels exercises. For those rare patients we perform pelvic floor rehabilitation using the Urostym platform. This treatment involves sending electrical currents through the levator ani muscles which support the bladder and other pelvic organs. The muscle will contract and gradually strengthen after multiple treatments. Urostym therapy is divided into 7 weekly sessions each lasting 15-20 minutes. For severe cases of female urinary incontinence, the improvement in quality of life is well worth the multiple visits.
- ImmunizationsVaccinations are an important concern for pregnant women. Get needed vaccines before pregnancy. CDC has clear guidelines for the use of vaccines during pregnancy. Review the list and be sure to discuss with your doctor.
- GynecologyDr. Chisholm teaches residents and medical students from UTRGV School of Medicine at DHR. He has won two awards for outstanding contributions to resident education in Gynecology (2019) and Obstetrics (2018). He enjoys woodworking, piano, and playing with his two daughters.
- Female Infertility
- ObstetricsLike his predecessor and mentor, Dr. Martinez, he shares the same philosophy that the women of the Valley deserve access to the latest advancements in Medicine. Dr. Chisholm continues the same tradition of introducing advanced medical technologies to the Valley, including Laparoendoscopic Single Site Surgery (LESS) and the Remeex adjustable anti-incontinence sling. His clinical interests include minimally invasive surgery for uterine fibroids, bladder prolapse, incontinence, and hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Chisholm also gets great joy in practicing Obstetrics and offers the full scope of prenatal care.
- EndometriosisInfertility is a common but sometimes devastating condition for couples. Dr. Chisholm utilizes all appropriate diagnostics to determine the cause of infertility including ultrasound, hysteroscopy, saline infused sonogram, and laparoscopy. Ovulation induction for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common treatment. Dr. Chisholm also has experience with minimally invasive surgical treatments for infertility including hysteroscopic uterine septum resection, hysteroscopic myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, and endometriosis resection.
- Pregnancy
- Labor and DeliveryKnow your limits. Let your physician know if you experience any of the following: pain of any kind, strong cramps, uterine contractions at 20-minute intervals, vaginal bleeding, leaking of amniotic fluid, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, palpitations, tachycardia (rapid beating of the heart), constant nausea and vomiting, trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints), or if your baby has decreased activity.
- Ovarian CancerCertain families are more affected by cancer due to abnormal genes they share. Such hereditary cancer syndromes may increase the risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. As a women’s clinic, we realize the importance of providing access to accurate and non-invasive genetic testing.
- Cervical CancerAge specific pap smear screenings are typically performed during our annual wellness exams. Abnormal pap smears are evaluated by colposcopy per ASCCP guidelines. If colposcopy is concerning for severe cervical dysplasia, i.e. high risk for cervical cancer in the future, we would recommend a Loop Electrode Excision Procedure (LEEP) to remove the precancerous lesion. LEEP’s are typically performed in clinic under local anesthesia. We also offer the HPV vaccine series for prevention of cervical dysplasia.
- EpilepsyMedical conditions/complications such as diabetes, epilepsy, and high blood pressure should be treated and kept under control. Ask your doctor about any medications that may need to be changed or adjusted during pregnancy. If you are currently taking any medications ask your doctor if it is safe to take them while you’re pregnant. Also, be sure to discuss any herbs or vitamins you are taking. They are medicines, too! Discuss with your doctor all medications, prescribed and over-the-counter, that you are taking.
- Diabetes Care
- Ultrasound4D ultrasound is a unique experience we are proud to offer. We recommend timing of procedure between 24-28wks (6-7 months) gestation. A USB drive with the images is provided.
- X-Rays
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Robotic SurgeryLaparoendoscopic Single Site (LESS) Surgery, a.k.a. No Scar Hysterectomy, is an amazing technology with advantages over other forms of pelvic surgery. In addition to getting the surgery the patient needs, the result includes decreased pain and recovery time. Cosmetically, it is virtually scarless. The incision is hidden deep within the belly button, the only scar you are born with! Why use multiple incisions throughout the abdomen like in traditional laparoscopic or robotic surgery, when only one incision is needed?
- Hysterectomy
- Laparoscopy
- Reconstructive SurgeryBladder prolapse is typically a delayed complication from previous vaginal deliveries. The uterus and rectum sometimes prolapse also. Symptoms include an uncomfortable vaginal bulge sensation and voiding dysfunction. Severe cases may result in bleeding due to ulceration of the exposed vaginal skin. Effective treatments include pessary placement or reconstructive surgery, both of which are offered at the Women’s Clinic of South Texas.
- Physical TherapyUrinary Incontinence can be a debilitating condition, affecting the day-to-day life for many women. Treatments may include medication, surgery, physical therapy, or any combination. Some patients may benefit from urodynamics and cystometrogram, an in-office procedure to evaluate urinary incontinence. Such testing helps determine a treatment plan tailored to the patient.