- Osteoporosis
- Warts
- ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis: Do studies support a natural approach? In this talk, our doctor reviews with you the naturopathic philosophy of how RA can be caused/aggravated by cross reactive antibody reactions often associated with gut permeability defects.
- FibromyalgiaMost conditions that have a pain component are well treated by Physical Medicine. Examples include shoulder, knee & other joint injuries; back pain or neck pain; arthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis; muscle sprains and strains; headaches, and other pain syndromes. Other conditions, like poor immune function, menstrual cramps, PMS, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue can also improve with Physical Medicine.
- CryotherapyCryotherapy: This treatment involves freezing that is quick and painless. It is usually performed for warts or other non-cancerous skin growths.
- Medical Weight LossHealth: We provide general, outpatient, medical care including: Naturopathic Primary Care, Naturopathic Speciality Care, Naturopathic Pediatrics, Integrative Medicine, Women's Health, Men's Health, Non-Invasive Cardiology, Preventive Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Physical Medicine, Weight Management, Natural Hormone Replacement therapy, Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis, & "Detoxification." These methods are particularly effective in addressing acute and difficult-to-treat chronic conditions.
- Nutritional Counseling
- Pediatric CareTo practice (in Washington State), a person must complete a 4-5 year, 4200 hour, postgraduate, program at an accredited chiropractic college. Two year of undergraduate college study are also required. Once accepted in a program, the chiropractic student must complete courses including differential diagnosis, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, pathology, gynecology, pediatrics, geriatrics, radiology, spinal analysis and others. Finally, the graduate must pass intensive 4-part board exams in basic sciences, clinical sciences, clinical competency, and practical skills.
- Primary CareEver wondered if Alternative Medicine could help your condition, but didn't know who to ask? Weren't sure if an herbal remedy was safe for you? Well, after countless requests, and beginning with this issue, I am collaborating with the Journal Newspapers to bring you the area's first Alternative Medicine Question & Answer column. My goal for it will be two fold: First, to provide well-documented natural and alternative-medical approaches to conditions that affect you. Second, in the process of answering your questions, improve community understanding of the benefits and limitations of alternative medicine. Today's column focuses on questions I am most-often asked by people unfamiliar with alternative medicine. Future issues will be dedicated to answering your questions directly. Submit them by mail, fax, or email (if you want a personal response). Of course, always consult your primary care doctor when you have a health concern. But when you have unanswered alternative medicine questions, send them to us. I'll look forward to hearing from you!
- Smoking CessationSmoking Cessation: A naturopathic & comprehensive approach to quitting. Smoking is several addictions- not just the nicotine. In this talk we describe how the 35+ habits can be broken, over time, so withdraw is not as intolerable.
- Ear InfectionsFinally, many other conditions (eczema, arthritis, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, Irritable bowel disease, headaches, hyperactivity, and recurrent ear infections) have an allergic cause, which is often overlooked. It’s therefore important to get expert, thorough and open-minded care when trying to address your allergies. This month’s Ask Dr. P addresses allergies.
- Family PracticePractice Interests: “My practice focus is preventative medicine, women’s health, and family medicine. I enjoy helping people make the most of their health. It’s so rewarding to watch energy improve, hormone problems resolve, and digestion work like it is supposed to.”
- High Cholesterol
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel SyndromeGastrointestinal: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, bloating ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and gallbladder disease.
- ElectrocardiogramAn electrocardiogram does what it sounds like it does, it measures the electrical activity of your heart. The heart generates electric activity which can be sensed with small electrodes (stickers) attached to your chest.
- Bronchitis
- Urinary Incontinence
- Diarrhea
- ImmunizationsMinor surgery and office procedures are services that are offered in the primary doctor's office which include treatment for moles, skin tags, warts, and/ or sampling tissues for the purposes of diagnosis. Minor office procedures may also include injections of nutrients, immunizations, or standard medications.
- GlaucomaA: Ephedra sinica or "Ma Huang" like many plant medicines has been used for thousands of years. It was historically used for the treatment of colds, asthma, hayfever, bronchitis, edema, arthritis, fever, low blood pressure, and hives. In 1927 its alkaloid ephedrine was synthesized, and since that time drugs such containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine have been widely used in over-the-counter cold and decongestant preparations. Ephedra, is sympathomimetic and positively inotropic, which means it increases the heart rate, blood pressure, and pumping force of the heart, as well as dilates the breathing passages (hence it's use in asthma). It's contraindicated in persons with anxiety, high blood pressure, heart disease, glaucoma, thyroid disease, prostate enlargement, as well as persons using certain drugs. Like over-the-counter pseudoephedrine drugs, Ephedra can have side effects like headache, insomnia, increased heart rate, and at high doses even life-threatening heart arrhythmias. Because of potential interactions and side effects, Ephedra is not my 1st choice when treating allergy or asthma. Many other options with fewer side effects are available and just as effective.
- Macular DegenerationKeeping your Eyes Healthy- Naturally!: Are you having trouble seeing clearly? We review eye exercises, nutrition, herbs and daily preventive techniques to clear up your vision, while preventing & treating macular degeneration.
- Gynecology
- Female Infertility
- Endometriosis
- Pregnancy
- Labor and DeliveryI'm glad you asked. I am a Naturopathic Physician. The Washington State Dept of Health defines Naturopathic Physicians (N.D.s) as doctors specializing in Natural Medicine. Along with M.D.s, and D.O., we are trained and licensed to provide patients with general outpatient medical care. However, we have a different treatment philosophy. Instead of controlling disease symptoms with medicines, we like to find and remove "obstacles to cure". Furthermore, Naturopathic therapies are directed to not only treat your disease condition, but also create optimal health for you in the process. Therapies used by Naturopathic Doctors can include: botanical (herbal) medicine, therapeutic nutrition (or "megavitamin" therapy), physiotherapy (including spinal manipulation), homeopathy, hydrotherapy, oriental medicine, counseling, diet and lifestyle modification, exercise therapy, natural childbirth, minor surgery, and limited drug therapy.
- Cervical CancerIn addition to the extensive physical exam you will receive, urine & blood tests may be ordered. These tests screen for your risks for chronic diseases like Diabetes & High Cholesterol & possible immediate health concerns like anemia, infection or thyroid problems. The pelvic exam includes a PAP smear & HPV test to screen for cervical cancer. Our doctors are extremely thorough in your physical screening, prevention, and health promotion.
- Prostate CancerMen’s health at NCOH includes a yearly annual physical as well as a prostate exam check if over the age of 40. We can also screen for prostate cancer and prostate enlargement(BPH) with a screening blood test.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Stress ManagementOur pharmacy includes nutrients like fish oil, probiotics, therapeutic level dosing of B vitamins, highly absorbable and tolerated iron, absorbable calcium and magnesium and many others. We have many specially-designed formulas we provide patients in their efforts toward improved health. Formulas for bone building, skin/hair/nails, blood pressure, heart health, sexual health, cholesterol, stress management, and hormone balancing are just a few examples.
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- ThyroidInfections, high blood pressure, heart problems, thyroid disorders, or other hormone problems are just a few examples. That said, often we are able to find alternatives to drug therapies for you.
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- MammographyHealth considerations include your personal risk and family history for uterine, breast, and ovarian cancers. Other testing that can be included in the Women’s exam is screening for sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory disease. We are also able to address a woman’s need for birth control. We have the ability to prescribe oral contraceptive pills, education on other options such as barrier methods, and remove/place IUD’s. We also order mammography when appropriate.
- WhiplashMany. Some examples include pain—whether due to recent injury, or one long ago; headaches; long-term, or acute low back pain; and decreasing hospital visits for seniors-- by helping them stay more active. I’ve seen patients improve with manipulation, when suffering from whiplash, disc problems, and pinched nerves, and chronic pain.
- Hysterectomy
- Acne Treatment
- Cyst
- EczemaBeautiful Skin Naturally: Skin problems are an indicator that the inside needs help too! In this talk, we share how diet, activity, and natural skin care can leave you with a healthy glow inside and out. Conditions such as acne, eczema and other skin conditions are reviewed, so you learn how simple techniques can make a difference.
- FungusCulture analysis is taking a specimen from an area with a presumed infection and letting it grow on petri dishes to then find out which type of bacterial strand or fungus it happens to be. This is useful for practitioners for the ability to prescribe the correct and specific treatment. It is also useful for strands of rare species of bacteria or fungi that may be resistant to the most common treatment therapy. Cultures of specimens can be obtained from the nose or throat area for a respiratory infection, or the vagina or urine sample for a urinary infection.
- LesionsExcision: Performed with a small scalpel blade in order to remove benign skin lesions such as seborrheic keratoses, angiomas, and skin tags. Sometimes this procedure requires a small amount of local numbing medicine.
- Skin Care
- Psoriasis
- Sports MedicineIf you accept Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) philosophy, Acupuncture can help nearly every condition, as it is thought to restore balance. The US-published research on Acupuncture effectiveness is conflicting, and more study is needed in this area. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) cites Acupuncture as a treatment for over 43 conditions including: allergies, asthma, back pain, carpal tunnel, colds, constipation, depression, headaches, heart problems, infertility, insomnia, PMS, sports injuries, tendonitis, and stress. What is amazing is that technological advances in imaging have shown that stimulation of vision-related Acupuncture points show same the reaction in the brain as stimulation of the eye. Clearly, Acupuncture has some effects that we are not yet sophisticated enough to fully explain.
- Physical TherapySecond, Treatment: Numerous double-blind studies showed Osteoarthritis was inhibited and reversed with Glucosamine Sulfate. Glucosamine, a natural substance and precursor (or building block) for joint cartilage has also been shown to be more effective than NSAIDs in reducing pain and inflammation. Glucosamine usually takes longer than NSAIDs to reduce pain because Glucosamine has no analgesic (or pain reducing) activity. Glucosamine works by improving the joint structure, so pain is relived as healing occurs. This is unlike NSAIDs, which just block pain perception, while joint destruction continues. Other natural approaches such as physical therapy, niacinamide, omega 3 oils, vitamin E, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), and plant medicines such as Zingiber o., Boswellia s., Curcuma l., Bromelain, Harpagophytum p., Yucca, and Capsaicin are sometimes also helpful. Your Naturopathic Physician will help you determine which treatments are appropriate for you.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Manual TherapyAccording to Washington State Law, therapies used by Chiropractors can include: joint manipulation, traction, massage, the use of heat, cold, light, exercise, trigger point therapy, and give dietary & nutritional advice, Chiropractors, like other doctors, can order, perform, and interpret X-rays, and perform physical exams of the musculoskeletal system. Unlike other doctors however, Chiropractors do not prescribe medications, perform invasive physical exams (like PAPS,) draw blood, or perform surgery.
- Geriatrics
- AllergiesAllergy testing at the Northwest Center is using highly-sophisticated blood testing to identify food and environmental allergens that may be the cause of a person’s health problems.