- Door Installation/ReplacementC.F. Builders prides itself on paying attention to all the details that make your home unique. While they specialize in windows and doors, C.F. Builders also offers services in siding, decks, and finished carpentry. Whether you need to replace one window or re-do the whole house, you can have the confidence that the C.F. Builders team will do the job right.
- FramingThe only way to secure the new window, without the nail flange, is to drive screws through the inside of the window frame and into the framing of the home. Depending on the quality of the screw and the location of the window, the screws may rust, giving you a less than desirable appearance.
- Window Installation/ReplacementCF Builders is the leading window and door installation company. Our installers are not like your typical window installers. The owner of CF Builders, Greg George arrives to every job and over sees that the work performed, is done with the utmost professionalism. Not only do we work hard to serve you in a professional grade installation, but we are also here to help you reduce your heating bills. There is a installation method that may not reduce your heating bills to their full potential.
- Decks
- SidingMost of our competitors will use what is called the “collapse” method, which is the quickest, easiest and potentially less efficient way to install windows. To begin this installation technique, they will break the glass out of your old windows and collapse the aluminum frame in. Since the siding goes untouched during this installation process, our competitor is forced to remove the nail flange from the new window product. A nailing flange is part of a permanent barrier designed to prevent water infiltration. Unless the window has been certified without the nailing flange, it no longer meets the criteria for which it was tested. When nail fins fail they can develop what is known as the ‘straw effect’ that draws water from outside to the inside of the house.
- Carpentry
- CaulkingCaulking does not solve the problem. Failure to use the flange can lead to financial liability. More and more building inspectors are beginning to demand that that the nail flange must stay in place. There are exceptions to having the flange taken off. If your home is made of brick, we have no choice but to remove the flange and secure the windows with screws. If you have flat aluminum siding, we then use a stucco fin application which requires us to secure the windows with screws inside your home.