- Family Gathering Centerpiece$47.95orange roses, asiatic lilies, dark orange alstroemeria, bronze button spray chrysanthemums, yellow and rust cushion spray chrysanthemums and fall foliage are exquisitely gathered in this center-of-attention piece.
- Be My Love$42.95red roses and carnations are exquisitely arranged with white asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums in a ruby red glass vase. it's lovely.
- Beautiful In Blue$52.95beautiful blooms such as blue hydrangea, creme roses, white lilies and alstroemeria along with yellow and white chrysanthemums, eucalyptus, limonium and more are beautifully arranged in a dazzling cobalt blue vase.
- Vivid Recollections$62.95bright flowers such as yellow asiatic lilies, snapdragons and daisy spray chrysanthemums along with green gladioli, purple alstroemeria and fresh greenery are beautifully delivered in a natural basket.
- How Sweet It Is$34.95light orange roses, orange spray roses, hot pink carnations and matsumoto asters, red miniature carnations and more are delivered in a lovely glass vase. be sweet and send this one today!
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