- Primary CareYou or your primary care physician should call our office at 785-537-4200. After gathering some basic information, you will need to complete the new patient information packet. You can download the packet here: New Patient Information Packet (PDF), complete one in the office the day of your appointment, or fill out (and read) the forms below...
- MRIPlease answer these carefully. The following items may be hazardous or may interfere with the MRI examination by producing an artifact. Please indicate if you have the following...
- X-Rays
- Arthroscopy
- Joint ReplacementIf joint pain and deterioration is taking a toll on your everyday life, it may be time to consider joint replacement. Click to learn more about the conditions and symptoms that can be treated with a joint replacement, and to learn about what to expect from the procedure.
- Arthroscopy
- Sports MedicineThe physicians of Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center evaluate and treat many orthopedic conditions, which you will find information about here. Each condition listed links to patient education materials obtained from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society.
- Physical TherapyOur dedicated billing staff is here to assist you with your account and help with any insurance issues you may encounter. OSMC makes every effort to keep down the cost of your medical care. All fees are determined by the complexity of the procedure, time involved, and the standard fee for all orthopedic services. Services and treatments such as diagnostic X-rays, casts, splints, injections, physical therapy, etc., involve additional costs.
- Podiatric Surgery