- Love And Laughter$44.95know someone you love to make laugh? someone you love to laugh with? someone who could use a laugh? someone who fits all of the above? well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms.
- Country Basket Blooms$54.95talk about a bountiful basket! this wicker basket is overflowing with beauty and blossoms. it's no wonder two pretty butterflies have made this basket their home.
- Fashionista Blooms$69.95this arrangement would be perfect for any girl with an eye for style. it's a must-have for fashionistas everywhere.gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia.
- Teleflora's Bear Hug Bear With Pink Roses$41.95send teleflora's adorable little bear with enchanting flowers, and someone special will think you're just as sweet as can be.roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and asters arrive in a glass vase with a teleflora keepsake bear.
- Sunny Sunflowers$44.95whoever receives this stunning bouquet is sure to be bowled over by its bold beauty! it's big on fun and big on flowers.orange spray roses, yellow sunflowers, curly willow and salal are arranged in a charming ball vase. order it now to send a ton of sun.
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