- Steering Service/RepairThere are more vehicles on U.S. roads than ever before. With an estimated 204 million cars and light trucks crowding our roads as of 2001, your safety and that of others is at risk when your vehicle isn't stopping and steering at its best. Reducing your vehicle's stopping distance by just an inch or so could make the difference between a minor scare and a major fender bender. Crowded roads aren't the only concern. The roads themselves are often in a sorry state of repair. Portions of our highway system (including many bridges) haven't seen much in the way of maintenance or repair since they were built. In cold climates, the freeze/thaw cycle enlarges cracks and holes in the pavement. In sunnier spots, the heat, heavy cargo hauling and years of neglect take their own toll on roads. The result can be a moonscape of potholes that can affect the handling of your vehicle. Bad roads can cause suspension components, so vital to steering control and handling, to grow old before their time. Most drivers don't spend much time thinking about the automotive professionals who service their vehicle's suspension systems, but you don't have to be an automotive expert to keep your vehicle's stopping and steering systems safe.
- Brake Service