- AntsFire ants are a common pest in the Cedar Creek Lake and Athens area as they prefer sunny and warm conditions. Fire ants build mounds in many types of soil. They can be hard to control, as they can often extend across several properties. Reddish in color, a fire ant’s sting is very painful and can be fatal to someone who is allergic. Fire ants typically sting humans who disturb their nest and are known to attack in large numbers. Our fire ant control service includes baiting two times a year, in the spring and fall.
- SpidersExcept for poisonous spiders, such as the black widow and the brown recluse, spiders are not harmful to humans.
- TermitesTermites can cause great structural damage to your home. A typical homeowner's insurance policy does not cover destruction caused by termites, even though they cause billions of dollars in damage to homes throughout the United States each year.
- Bed BugsBed bugs are a small insects that drink your blood while you are sleeping. They are not just found in beds and mattresses, but can also nest in chairs, sofas, or behind wallpaper or pictures. Bed bugs are visible, but their eggs can be difficult to spot. Infestations can be tricky to control, so if you think you might have a problem, contact us today! Our bed bug control program involves a thorough application of insecticide in all cracks and crevices.
- Fleas
- CockroachesCockroaches spread human diseases by depositing disease organisms on food and utensils. The American cockroach, which comes into contact with human excrement in sewers or with pet droppings, may transmit bacteria that cause Salmonella and Shigella. German cockroaches are believed to be capable of transmitting disease-causing organisms such as Staphylococcus, hepatitis, and coliform bacteria. They also have been implicated in the spread of typhoid and dysentery.
- Bees
- Wasps
- EarwigsOur Perimeter-Plus maintenance program is an insect prevention program with exterior service performed five times a year. This service covers outdoor roaches, spiders, ants, earwigs, and many more insects. The service is focused on the exterior of the home, targeting the cracks and crevices of eaves, windows, doors, decks, patios, and all insect harborage areas within a 10' perimeter of the home.
- MosquitoesTake back your yard with our mosquito control program! Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, some may carry dangerous diseases including West Nile virus, malaria, Zika virus, and more. Our mosquito control program includes an inspection of your property for areas that could be harboring and breeding mosquitos. Utilizing a backpack mister, our technicians will then treat your yard. We offer our mosquito control services on an ongoing basis for year-round protection, or as a one-time service.
- Scorpions
- BatsThe different species of bed bugs have different feeding preferences. Some prefer human blood while others prefer bats and birds. Bed bugs primarily reside in their target's nests or nesting areas. This means your bed! While many bed bugs hide in mattresses, some may also hide in a sofa or chair, or behind wallpaper or pictures. Thoroughness is the only real way to get rid of bed bugs. The eggs of the bed bugs are not visible to the naked eye and are clear in color. Every corner and crevice needs to be searched. As you might guess, this means that simply getting rid of an infected mattress will not totally solve the problem.
- Wildlife
- Birds
- RodentsRats, mice, squirrels, and other rodents consume and contaminate food. They also gnaw on electrical wires and wooden structures, and tear insulation in walls and ceilings for nesting. Rodents can also transmit disease to humans, pets, and livestock. They have been found to transmit typhus, leptospirosis, trichinosis, and salmonellosis.
- MiceThe presence of mice and rats is usually detected by the damage they cause to food and structures, by their droppings, and by their nests. Treatment involves eliminating all entry points and population reduction by the application of rodenticides and traps.
- Rats
- Squirrels