- 1 Hour Traditional Acupuncture Initial Consultation$100.001 Hour Appointment: Chinese traditional acupuncture; Relieve pain and anxiety; Soothe restless emotion and restore physical harmony; Restore body's vital energy levels; Detoxification; Promote body's natural healing; Board certified. We specialize in the treatment of back pain, neck pain, injuries, and a wide range of other difficult-to-treat conditions. Our unique Kinetic Acupuncture methods are designed to return function to injured or painful areas of your body.
- 1 Hour Traditional Acupuncture Follow Up Visit$100.001 Hour Appointment: Chinese traditional acupuncture; Relieve pain and anxiety; Soothe restless emotion and restore physical harmony; Restore body's vital energy levels; Detoxification; Promote body's natural healing; Board certified. We specialize in the treatment of back pain, neck pain, injuries, and a wide range of other difficult-to-treat conditions. Our unique Kinetic Acupuncture methods are designed to return function to injured or painful areas of your body.
"Fish and Chips" found in 1 dish