- Lovely Lilies$71.99lilies have long been a sweet and wonderful way to warm anyone's heart. these stargazer lilies are sure to do the trick.
- Fall Grandeur$72.95a symphony of autumn color, this many-splendored floral arrangement makes an unforgettable gift for any occasion - or just because.
- Family Gathering Centerpiece$55.95as your loved ones gather around the table, they'll bask in the warm glow of two orange taper candles surrounded by a fantastic array of fall flowers.
- Enchanted Cottage$64.95this magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. it's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. enchant someone today!
- Sweet Moments$50.00know someone who needs a lift? brighten their day by sending this lovely bouquet of fresh flowers that has sweetness woven right in.
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