- CryotherapyIf vitreous fluid passes through the retinal tear and collects under the retina, causing a physical separation between the retina and its underlying supporting cellular layers, a retinal detachment will occur. Retinal detachments may cause significant and progressive vision loss and require surgical intervention for repair. Ideally, retinal tears can be identified and treated with either laser surgery or cryotherapy prior to the development of retinal detachment.
- Primary CareMany older Americans take prescription medications, and a considerable number use over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, and herbal medicines. High-dose supplemental nutrients can sometimes interfere with medications and compete with other vital nutrients for absorption into the body. Individuals who are considering taking an AREDS formulation should discuss this with their primary care doctors and/or eye care professionals.
- High Cholesterol
- GlaucomaBlockage of the main central vein of the retina results in a central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO.) A branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) occurs when smaller branches of the central vein are affected. Both conditions occur most often in patients over the age of 50. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and lipids, diabetes, glaucoma, and more unusually, blood clotting and inflammatory disorders.
- OphthalmologyWe are proud to announce that Dr. Eric D. Kanter has been selected as a 2021 NJ Top Docs recipient for his expertise and compassionate care in the fields of ophthalmology and vitreoretinal diseases and surgery. This recognition is given to physicians in New Jersey who pass a thorough review of their background, education, career… Read More
- Macular DegenerationRetina Vitreous Consultants has established the Macular Degeneration Center of New Jersey in our offices in Morristown and Livingston as a resource for the ever-growing portion of the maturing population with both wet and dry forms of macular degeneration. Complete primary diagnostic evaluation, therapeutic pharmacologic and laser intervention, review of potential inclusion in clinical trial research, and referral for low vision rehabilitative services are provided at our Center. We are the pioneer group in the entire state of New Jersey to offer the surgically Implantable Miniature Telescope (IMT- Vision Care Ophthalmic Technologies) for the treatment of severe vision loss due to macular degeneration. Please schedule an appointment to determine if you or a family member is a candidate for this recently FDA- approved technology.
- CataractsConditions that may increase the risk for retinal tearing and detachment include, nearsightedness, congenital or acquired peripheral retinal thinning, family history of retinal tears and detachment, intraocular surgery such as cataract surgery, history of retinal tear or detachment in the fellow eye, and trauma.
- Cataract Surgery
- Eye ExamThe diagnosis and monitoring of retinal diseases require a complete eye examination where the pupils are dilated with eye drops. You may experience a temporary change in vision and sensitivity to light, so you may wish to bring a pair of sunglasses to wear after the visit. One or more tests may need to be performed to help your treating physician assess the retina and macula (the central portion of the retina).
- Prostate CancerIn 1994, the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene (ATBC) trial found a 35 percent reduced risk of prostate cancer in men taking 50 mg of vitamin E daily for a follow up of six years.
- Lung CancerWhy eliminate beta-carotene? During the AREDS trial, two large trials funded by the National Cancer Institute found that beta-carotene may increase lung cancer risk among people who smoke. Lutein and zeaxanthin are in the same family of nutrients as beta carotene and are believed to have important functions in the retina. Therefore, the researchers theorized that lutein/zeaxanthin might be a safer and possibly more effective alternative than beta-carotene.
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is a potentially blinding complication of diabetes mellitus resulting from high sustained levels of blood sugar and sugar byproducts that cause abnormalities within the walls of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina. These blood vessels may leak fluid and proteins resulting in swelling of the retina. The fragile capillary bed of the retina may wither and close up resulting in diminished and sometimes absent blood supply. This results in a condition known as ischemia which may also cause an irreversible loss of vision. Progressive abnormal blood vessel and scar tissue growth within the eye may lead to bleeding within the eye and retinal detachment resulting in severe visual dysfunction in poorly controlled diabetic patients.
- UltrasoundUltrasound is a non-invasive test and is not associated with pain or side effects. It is most often used to diagnose eye pathology including tumors, especially when visualization to the interior structures is poor due to media opacities.