- Auto InsuranceA. A deductible is an amount that you agree to be responsible for in the event of a loss under the physical damage (collision or comprehensive) coverages of your policy. Deductibles are offered on some coverages to give insureds flexibility in the cost of insurance and the amounts they wish to be responsible for. You may reduce your auto insurance costs by raising the deductibles on physical damage coverages. You should review the amount of the deductibles you now carry on these coverages to determine whether it makes sense for you to absorb a larger portion of your loss in the event of an accident, in return for a lower premium charge.
- Life InsuranceBruce is a native of Morrilton and graduate of Morrilton High School. After graduating from UCA in 1979 with a Bachelor of Science degree, Bruce returned to Morrilton and opened Hawkins Insurance Agency, a full line independent agency. An emphasis on life insurance grew to full scale employee benefit programs offered throughout Arkansas. Bruce specializes in developing the right benefit plan to meet the needs of the client.
- Health InsuranceHandling a PII Breach A PII breach is the compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, unauthorized access, loss of control or any similar term or phrase that refers to situations where persons other than authorized users or for an other than authorized purpose have access or potential access to PII. – A security incident, or incident, is the act of violating an explicit or implied security policy, which includes attempts (either failed or successful) to gain unauthorized access to a system or its data, unwanted disruption or denial of services, the unauthorized use of a system for the process or storage of data; and changes to system hardware, firmware, or software characteristics without the owner’s knowledge, instruction, or consent. If a breach is detected, our agency will report to the necessary entities within one hour of the detection. This includes any insurance company, state agency, or the Health Insurance Marketplace.
- Long Term Care
- Dental InsuranceHawkins Insurance Agency is committed to protecting your privacy. Please read the Hawkins Insurance Agency Online Privacy Statement below for details. This Hawkins Insurance Agency Online Privacy Statement applies to information collected by Hawkins Insurance Agency through its website and services, as well as its offline product support services. When you sign our application for health insurance, dental insurance, or life insurance, you are giving us legal authority to collect PII. This authority is voluntary and you may choose not to authorize us to collect and distribute PII, but we will be unable to process you application without the necessary information requested by the agencies or companies we share that information with. If you choose to disclose your PII, when you sign the application (s) necessary for submission of application for insurance you are giving your “consent†for us to take the necessary steps to see if you qualify for any state sponsored plans (HCIP) or premium tax credits through the Health Insurance Marketplace.