- Dental CareYour cat’s overall health is important, of course. Cat dental care is an important aspect of your kitty’s health too. Cat Clinic of Johnson County offers cat dental care that you can depend on for the health and well-being of your favorite felines.
- VaccinationWe offer lion shaves for our longer haired kitties who can get matted and uncomfortable. For the safety of the cat and the groomer, we normally do lion shaves under anesthesia. We have found that awake shaves are too stressful to be a practical option for most cats. Your cat will need to have a current examination with us within the past 12 months and be current on vaccinations.
- Veterinary OphthalmologyLow-level laser therapy (LLLT), also known as cold laser therapy, is a non-medication option that can be used for the treatment of many diseases. The most common reason we use cold laser treatments in cats is for arthritis pain. It can also be used for wound and surgical healing, certain inflammatory diseases, and eye diseases. This therapy has been used in humans for over 25 years without the possible side effects of medications.
- Nutritional CounselingWe examine your cat from head-to-tail, checking the vital organs for bloating or pain, and joints for any limited range of motion or discomfort. We will also check for signs of dental disease and may recommend further treatment. We will discuss diet and nutrition with you, as diet plays a vital role in maintaining good health. Cat owners are encouraged to consult with the veterinarian about their cat’s current diet and eating habits, and discuss healthier options (if any). A complementary toe nail trim and anal gland expression are also included with every exam. Our doctors may recommend lab tests or x-rays as needed for an additional cost.
- Comprehensive ExaminationBecause kittens have less developed immune systems, they are far more susceptible to disease and parasitic infection. During kitten wellness exams, vital statistics are taken and recorded. Depending on the age of your pet, we might also recommend lab work to provide a comparative chart for future visits. If you get a new pet, a wellness exam is recommended to detect any existing illness so we could promptly begin treatment.
- Parasites Treatment and ControlWhen health problems are identified, a medical plan will be outlined to evaluate the problems in depth. If your pet appears to be healthy enough for routine preventive care, your veterinarian will discuss which immunizations are advised, as well as parasite prevention including heartworm disease, intestinal parasites, and ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, etc.). Annual age-appropriate lab tests, testing for heartworm and/or tick-borne diseases, and fecal tests for parasites may also be recommended for your pet. Finally, your pet’s nutrition, diet, and exercise routines can be assessed and optimized to help your pet be in best physical condition for their lifestyle and age. Remember, keeping up with preventive care for your pet is the best way to keep your pet happy and healthy for life.
- Pain ManagementIt’s normal to see some redness and discharge from the incision sites for up to 24 hours. We can assess if they’ll need pain medication and a kitty cone before they leave our Lenexa, KS veterinarian cat clinic.
- Vomiting Treatment
- Diarrhea Treatment
- Leptospirosis TreatmentSNAP tests: point-of-care “snap” tests are available for certain infectious diseases such as Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Canine Parvovirus, Giardia, and Leptospirosis.
- Parvovirus Infection Treatment
- Feline Retro Virus Treatment
- Bacterial and Viral Infection TreatmentOne of the most common but also frequently overlooked health problems for companion animals is dental disease. By age 3, most pets have some degree of periodontal disease. This occurs as a result of bacterial infection along the gum line, due to the formation of plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance containing millions of bacteria that forms along the tooth surface and gum line. Without frequent removal, plaque eventually hardens into tartar. Left untreated, this leads to gradual destruction of the gum tissue and supportive structures around the teeth, which can result in tooth loss. Not only is periodontal disease harmful and painful because it results in loss of teeth, but it can also cause damage to important vital organs such as the...
- Anal Gland Infection Treatment
- Arthritis TreatmentThese conditions will start to become more prevalent as your pet gets older. For this reason, we recommend twice-yearly veterinary visits for pets over 7 years of age. Your aging pet may be showing early signs of osteoarthritis such as stiffness after rest or play, difficulty going up or down stairs and reduced activity. Early intervention with joint supplements and prescription arthritis medications when indicated, along with modified nutrition and exercise plans, can greatly improve your pet’s comfort and mobility. Likewise, performing annual screening lab work on your older pet can help identify early stages of medical problems that might go unrecognized, and progress significantly without treatment.
- Heart Disease TreatmentHeartworm is another important endoparasite, but one which is not zoonotic. Heartworm infections result from pets being bitten by infected mosquitos. The larval form of the heartworm travels through the bloodstream to the heart where it develops into an adult. The adult heartworms live in the right side of the heart and left untreated, result in progressive heart failure and death. In initial stages of heartworm disease, pets may be asymptomatic. As the condition progresses, symptoms may evolve including vomiting/coughing in cats. Treatment of heartworm disease can be very risky for the pet, and very costly.
- Kidney Disease TreatmentAny pre-surgical testing that is recommended – baseline laboratory testing is beneficial so that there are no surprises on surgery day. Knowing that your pet has normal blood test results can help prevent anesthetic complications or surgical complications such as excessive bleeding, which can occur when patients have low platelet counts or abnormal clotting. When there is liver or kidney disease, this may affect the choices of anesthetic drugs recommended by your veterinarian, to prevent anesthetic complications and promote a smooth anesthetic recovery.
- Periodontal Disease TreatmentPeriodontal disease: Gum disease is the most common type of dental problem in cats; by the time your cat is 3 years old, it will likely show some signs of periodontal disease, which gets worse with age when left untreated.
- Poisoning Treatment
- Veterinary SurgeryAt some point in your pet’s life, they may need a surgical procedure. Whether your pet is having an elective surgery such as spay or neuter, or an emergency surgery for intestinal obstruction, you can rest assured that our staff will provide the very best care possible for your pet.
- Spaying and NeuteringPerforms Spay and Neuter Services for Cats—and only cats. We’re cat lovers who recognize that cats aren’t just little dogs. They have very different diets, lifestyles, challenges, health needs, and ways of showing how much they love you.
- Laboratory ServicesWhen your pet becomes suddenly ill or in event of an emergency, timely diagnostic test results are extremely important to help your veterinarian determine the best treatment plan. We have state-of-the-art in-hospital laboratory equipment capable of yielding lab results within minutes. Baseline laboratory testing for your sick pet may include...
- X-Ray
- Dental Radiology
- MicrochippingA microchip is about the size and shape of a grain of rice and is placed under the skin between the shoulder blades. The microchip is implanted with a needle that is slightly larger than one used to give medications under the skin and is easily done awake. Most cats are not bothered by it any more than getting a vaccine. The microchip is programmed with a unique number that can be scanned by veterinarians, animal control officers, and shelters.
- BoardingAt Cat Clinic of Johnson County, we know how stressful it can be to leave your beloved cat when you are away from home. That’s why we do everything we can to put both you and your kitty at ease. We take great pride in our attention to cleanliness and in providing the highest quality care to each cat that stays with us.
- Grooming
- Senior Pet CareWe love Senior Pets! Senior pets have special needs, and benefit from more regular veterinary visits compared to their younger counterparts. Age-associated conditions include...