- Sex CrimesChris has worked tirelessly to protect Mississippi’s children, writing the Child Protection Act, which requires immediate reporting of a suspected sex crime against a minor. This bill was signed into law in 2012. Chris also introduced legislation that raises the penalty for filing a false police report and mandates that crime victims are entitled to a free copy of initial police incident reports.
- MisdemeanorsChris authored Nathan’s Law which honors five-year-old Nathan Key of Jones County who was killed in 2009 when he was struck by a vehicle that passed his stopped school bus. The law permits felony charges against anyone who passes a stopped school bus and harms or kills a child and allows for misdemeanor charges against motorists who get too close to parked buses. The law requires motorists to stay at least 1-foot from a stopped school bus with fines of up to $750 for a first offense. On a second offense, violators face a fine and up to a year in prison. Nathan’s law was passed and signed into law.
- ManslaughterChris also authored Karen’s Law in honor of a Jones County teenager who was kidnapped, raped, and killed in 1987. The killer pleaded guilty to manslaughter and received the maximum prison sentence allowed of 20 years. Chris believed Mississippi’s manslaughter laws were far behind those of other states and authored Karen’s Law to increase the sentence for manslaughter to a maximum of 30 years for any adult who kills a minor. The bill was passed and signed into law in 2012.
- Eminent DomainChris has fought for private property rights and the restriction of eminent domain. The Student Religious Liberties Act he authored was passed into law to safeguard the right of students to pray in school. He introduced the Firearms Freedom Protection Act to protect against federal encroachment on our Second Amendment rights. He has fought for our privacy by sponsoring legislation to allow citizens to opt out of requirements to provide personal information for use in a government database.