- Arthritis
- Medical Weight LossAs we age, the skin of the arms can hang and be unattractive. This can also happen after massive weight loss and with weight gain. The hanging skin is usually most prominent in the upper arm area. Some people unflatteringly refer to these as “bat wings†. Often people with this condition will not wear short-sleeved shirts or blouses, even in very hot weather. Usually, the problem is mostly in the upper arm area above the elbow with the lower arm area being relatively normal in width (thickness).
- Nutritional CounselingLiposuction Vegas isn’t typically considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss alternative. For those patients who are overweight, especially if you are considered obese, you are much more likely to lose weight through a proper diet and nutrition program coupled with exercise, or in extreme cases, through a bariatric procedure like gastric bypass surgery, than you would through lipo in Las Vegas.
- Emergency CareJessie graduated from NTI in Arkansas as an LPN in 2013 and is currently attending school to become an RN. She worked in Urgent Care before she began working for Dr. Smith in 2017. She loves her job as Dr. Smith’s PACU Nurse because she gets to see patients have their imperfections and lives improved and it’s truly beautiful. program. After graduating from SUU in 2008, she moved to Las Vegas and began working for Dr Smith in 2009. Heidi is trained and certified in BLS and ACLS. Heidi absolutely loves working with such an accomplished, skilled surgeon and enjoys seeing how surgery can impact and change patients lives.
- Constipation
- ElectrocardiogramBryan holds a surgical technician training certificate from Concorde Career College in California, as well as training certificates for lab assistant, EKG technician and medical assistant from the College of the Canyons – Santa Clarita WorkSource. He has worked as Dr. Smiths right hand man for the past eight years and continues to learn and grow with the practice each year.
- Gynecology
- Pregnancy
- Labor and DeliveryAll bodies change over time. Muscles and skin tend to lose their tone and begin to slack or hang from the body as we age. Your vagina can be affected by this natural part of the aging process as well. Vaginal childbirth contributes to looser muscle and skin structure in the vagina as well.
- Internal Medicine
- Mental HealthLiposuction in Las Vegas can also help improve the patient’s appearance by creating a more natural figure and distribution of body fat. Certain liposuction procedures can also help create greater definition, including in the abdominal areas, where “six packs†can often be achieved. Such results, which vary by patient, can truly have a positive impact on the mental health and outlook of patients. At Smith Plastic Surgery Institute, we have witnessed many positive and happy patients who have enjoyed the many benefits of our Las Vegas liposuction procedures.
- PsychiatryI am the oldest child of a large family of 10 children. My father was a physician, who specialized in Psychiatry. He worked very hard to support our large family, but he loved his work. He truly cared about his patients and I can remember people stopping him in stores or other places, thanking him for his good work. I believe that because of my father, I wanted to become a physician from a very early age. I cannot remember wanting to be anything else but a doctor. As the oldest child in a large family, I developed a sense of responsibility. From this, I also developed a very good work ethic that has served me well throughout my life.
- UltrasoundFor mild cases of capsular contracture, non-surgical management can be attempted. This may include massage, compression, and ultrasound therapy to help soften the scar tissue.
- Radiation TherapyStudies have shown that factors such as smoking, radiation therapy, and certain autoimmune disorders may also increase the risk of capsular contracture. Therefore, discussing these factors with a surgeon before undergoing breast augmentation surgery is crucial to determine the appropriate course of action.
- General SurgeryMalcolm D. Paul, M.D., FACS received his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Maryland. He had General Surgery training at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and General and Plastic Surgery training at the George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.
- Wound CareAll the general risks of surgery and anesthesia exist with thigh lift surgery. The most common risk after an inner thigh lift is dehiscence which can occur as often as 10% to 15% of the time. Dehiscence means a small separation along the incision line, which most commonly occurs in the crease near the labia in the innermost portion of the thigh. This will usually heal with minor wound care, such as applying antibiotic ointment and washing the area 2 or 3 times a day. However, the healing is slow and can take as long as a month to heal.
- Otolaryngology
- Mohs Surgery
- Reconstructive SurgeryPlastic and reconstructive surgery. This training gives our practice an edge, as it enabled him to deal with some of the more difficult challenges that can present in cosmetic surgery.
- BotoxIn addition to the facelift procedure, we offer a range of other cosmetic procedures designed to improve your appearance and restore your youthful glow. Whether you are looking for Botox injections, dermal fillers, or facial rejuvenation techniques, our team of dedicated professionals will provide you with the highest quality of care and attention.
- Brow LiftMay tighten sagging skin, remove extra forehead wrinkles, and fix droopy eyelids. It can take one to two hours to complete as outpatient treatment under local anesthetic with severe sedation or general anesthesia. To achieve the best results, a brow lift is commonly combined with lower and/or
- Eyelid SurgeryComplete outpatient treatment under local anesthetic with severe sedation or general anesthesia may take one to two hours. The minimal-incision mid-facelift is a vertical lift of the cheeks performed through a lower eyelid approach. The cheek is lifted to its’ more youthful location, and the lid/cheek junction is shortened as it appears in youth. The incision on face is made adjacent to the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, and the scar is nearly unnoticeable after healing. Mid-facelift surgery can be combined with brow lifting, upper eyelid surgery, or facial filler injections to obtain the best results.
- LiposuctionLiposuction ).* However, if there is truly an excess of skin, liposuction alone will simply cause to the skin to hang more and make the problem worse. When there is an excess of skin, liposuction must be combined with some type of skin excision. Dr. Smtih will perform a Brachioplasty in Las Vegas when there is an excess of skin and liposuction alone is not an option.
- Breast AugmentationThere are very strict medical standards that protect breast augmentation patients. Millions of women have safely undergone this type of procedure and are pleased with their results. At Smith Surgery, we offer three types of breast implants, all FDA approved: silicone implants (filled with silicone gel), saline implants (filled with saline) and “Gummy Bear†implants (filled with form-stable silicone). Most of our patients choose silicone implants, but many prefer saline. During your consultation, Dr. Smith will explain how these options differ and the pros and cons of each one, but the final choice will be up to you.*
- Breast ReductionIn most cultures, breasts are often seen as a primary characteristic of physical attractiveness. Women often seek breast reduction surgery from
- Breast LiftPtosis is when the nipple and areola are pointing toward the floor and are at the lowest part of the breasts. There are many techniques for lifting the breasts and the type of breast lift Las Vegas used depends on the amount of breast ptosis. Obviously, the more severe the droop the more extensive the
- RhinoplastyBest overall Scientific Paper and Presentation: Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery on the Multiply Operated Nose, Combined California-Rocky Mountain Plastic Surgery Society Meeting June 2008
- Breast ReconstructionInsurance providers are legally required to cover breast reconstruction surgery and any related cosmetic operations needed to produce symmetry in either breast. However, other cosmetic surgery procedures are not usually covered unless there is a specific medical need. For instance you may be covered for nose surgery to improve your ability to breathe, eyelid surgery if the sagging skin is affecting your vision, a tummy tuck to repair diastasis, the vertical separation of abdominal muscles, post-mastectomy breast augmentation or breast reduction to relieve back pain caused by the weight of your breasts.*
- Plastic SurgeryI was President of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the California Society of Plastic Surgeons as well as Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
- Thigh Lift. The incisions are then closed. This effectively thins the thigh, removes extra skin and fat, and lifts the thigh. Usually, we place a small drain on each side. The recovery after an outer thigh lift is usually quicker than after an inner thigh lift.
- Face LiftUsing instruments designed to limit the need for extensive dissection of the soft tissues of the face and neck allows for less swelling, bruising and faster healing with short scars. Using these unique instruments, the deeper structures of the face and neck can be safely repositioned in a youthful location with minimal dissection and no tension on the skin, allowing the incisions to be nearly invisible after healing. The hairline is not distorted with the Executive Male Facelift.
- Neck LiftA neck lift is performed to lessen the look of drooping skin under the jawline drastically. It may take between one and one and a half hours to complete an outpatient operation under general anesthesia or even local anesthesia with monitored sedation. Sensation loss at its incision site is reduced with a neck lift with a small incision. The neck lift is frequently combined with a mid-facelift or a full facelift to get the best results.
- BlepharoplastyThe facelift cost Las Vegas can vary depending on the surgeon, the extent of the procedure, and the geographic location. However, in Las Vegas, patients can expect to pay a comparable price to other cities across the United States. To determine the exact blepharoplasty cost Las Vegas, patients should schedule consultations with trusted and reputable plastic surgeons in Las Vegas and ask for a breakdown of the expenses involved. Many surgeons offer financing options or payment plans to make the procedure more accessible to patients.
- AbdominoplastyWhen it comes to achieving a flatter, smoother tummy, abdominoplasty surgery, also known as a tummy tuck, is one of the most effective procedures available. And if you’re looking for skilled, high-quality care and excellent results, Las Vegas is the place to be.
- Nose Surgery
- Body LiftA belt lipectomy (also known as a lower body lift) is a surgical procedure that reshapes the patient’s abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks, typically following weight-loss surgery. This procedure is not intended simply to remove fat (see
- Breast Surgery. Some patients are born with certain breast irregularities or deformities; others have had previous surgeries with less than optimal results. Sometimes some issues develop after a perfectly performed breast surgery, such as capsular contracture (excessive scar tissue forming around the breast) that will later need correction.
- OtoplastyEars that stick out too far or are too prominent can be a great source of embarrassment, especially for children in school. Children can be called “Dumbo†or have other derogatory comments made about them. Fortunately, there is a relatively simple procedure called Otoplasty to correct this problem.
- Lip AugmentationProcedures in Las Vegas. Our lips lose volume gradually as we age, so even women with naturally full lips are looking to lip augmentation to restore their lips’ youthful appearance.
- Body Contouring, or body contouring Las Vegas, is a surgical procedure where fat is removed from the body through a technique that suctions it out from targeted and specific areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and chin. The procedure is a popular way to remove difficult fat in parts of the body where dieting may not be successful.
- Laser ResurfacingArea to make their faces look as youthful as they feel. A brow lift or forehead lift may remove wrinkles, lift sagging brows, and lighten heavy eyelids to give you a younger, friendlier look. Whereas a necklift may tighten loose, sagging skin under the chin, a Nevada cheek lift or mid-facelift that can smooth out wrinkles and lift sagging cheeks. These operations can be carried out independently, in tandem with laser resurfacing, as a comprehensive facelift.
- GynecomastiaGynecomastia. The problem can be minor to very severe. Gynecomastia is most often not medically harmful, but can be extremely embarrassing.*
- Cosmetic SurgeryAre individuals with significant sagging skin in one or more of the areas noted above. Patients should be in good health, non-smokers, and with no medical conditions that might increase surgical risk. As with all cosmetic surgery, it is important to have realistic expectations regarding what the procedure can accomplish.
- Bariatric SurgeryThe inner or outer thighs can sometimes hang excessively and have a lot of loose skin and cellulite. This can occur after massive weight loss, such as after bariatric surgery or with aging, or even after poorly performed excessive liposuction. In these cases, liposuction alone will make the skin hang more, making the thighs look worse. When this occurs, thigh lift surgery is a better procedure because the excess skin is removed during thigh lift surgery.*
- Chin Augmentation
- Forehead Lift
- Cyst
- Chemical PeelsGenerally speaking, the effects of facelift surgeries may continue for over ten years, especially with proper aftercare and good lifestyle choices. You may decide to keep the results with non-surgical procedures, like a chemical peel, injectable fillers, botox, or even revisionary surgery when you notice the symptoms of age slowly returning.
- Skin CareDuring the recovery period, patients should avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, and exposure to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight. They should also follow their surgeon’s skin care regimen to minimize scarring and support a healthy healing process.
- MicrodermabrasionInjectable fillers, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, Botox, Coolsculpting, Ultherapy, Kybella, Dermaplaning, and PRP injections are some examples of non-surgical procedures that can help add volume to the face and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
- Back Pain