- Residential Pest Control
- Commercial Pest Control
- AntsAmong the largest ants, from one-fourth to three-eighths inch long; most common species is black, but some have reddish or yellowish coloration; workers have large mandibles.
- Spiders"House" spiders are those web-building spiders common in the corners and garages of most homes and buildings. The spiderlings float, or "balloon," on tiny strands of silk onto buildings from wooded areas or fields. Once on the building they construct webs outside or crawl inside to find a suitable web site.
- TermitesYour home is probably your biggest investment. Without effective termite control, it can turn into your biggest expense. That's why more homeowners rely on Termidor Termiticide than any other liquid termite treatment. It's the #1 liquid termiticide in the country and stops termites feeding on contact, instantly preventing further damage to your home. Depending on the level of exposure, Termidor kills termites within a few minutes to a few days. Odorless and colorless, you'll hardly know its there. But rest assured no other termiticide on the market works faster. And because Termidor is brought to you by the Bayer Corporation, you know you can trust it to protect the health of your home.
- Bed Bugs
- FleasFleas are ectoparasites of animals, meaning they live on the outside of the body and need to feed on the blood of these animals in order to produce eggs. Found on cats and dogs year-round, but most common during warm and humid weather; readily attack and feed on humans; can jump as much as seven-eighth inch vertically, and 14 to 16 inches horizontally.
- CockroachesThis cockroach thrives in warm, damp environments, such as sewers, steam tunnels, basements, crawl spaces, and boiler rooms. In southern states, it will also be found living and breeding outdoors.
- BeesRanges up to 1 inch in length. Usually black with yellow stripes on the thorax and abdomen. Often confused with carpenter bees, bumblebees are characterized by the hairiness of the abdomen.
- WaspsBluish-black with white markings on its face, thorax and abdomen. These large wasps are called bald-faced hornets, because of their white markings.
- TicksBrown dog ticks do not confine themselves to dogs but will also attach themselves to many other animals and people. On dogs, adult ticks are typically found on the ears and between the toes. Outdoors, a brown dog tick crawls up on grasses, shrubs, and other vegetation, then attaches itself to a passing host.
- Crickets
- Earwigs
- FliesConsists mainly of sap, sweet nectar and other sugar products. Will also eat other insects such as flies and bees.
- CentipedesMillipedes are distinguished from centipedes by the presence of two pairs of legs per body segment. They shun the light and tend to hide under logs and other debris, and will often burrow into the ground. Their hard exoskeleton affords some protection against predators. When threatened, they will coil up in a ball to protect the more vulnerable underside. Some also have a noxious secretion used to deter predators. Eyesight is poor to non-existent in millipedes. They sense by way of their antennae which continually tap the ground as the millipede moves along.
- MillipedesMillipedes have a segmented body, short antennae, and many legs. Each body segment has two pairs of legs that stick out from the sides of the body (each segment is really 2 segments fused together). Most millipedes have from 25 to 100 segments (47 to 197 pairs of legs); most have about 30 to 40 segments (and 57 to 77 pairs of legs). The legs move in a wave-like motion.
- BeetlesAlso known as water bugs or black beetles; more sluggish than other species; give off distinctive unpleasant odor.
- Scorpions
- HornetsBald-faced hornets are not true hornets at all; they are aerial yellow jackets. They construct paper nests made from wood harvested from logs and trees. The nest of the bald-faced hornet will take on a football shape, growing larger with time. Hornets will aggressively attack and sting any intruder threatening or disturbing the nest. Attacks usually do not occur until colonies get larger, beginning in July and running through the fall.
- YellowjacketsYellow jackets are social insects that live in colonies containing thousands of individuals. Colonies are usually started by a single queen in the early spring. By midsummer, a colony located on or near a house is large enough to become a nuisance. These wasps will aggressively attack when their nest is disturbed, and can inflict painful stings.
- MitesClover mites are only 1/64th inch long, soft, oval, and flattened from top to bottom. They vary in color from rusty brown to dark red. A distinguishing characteristic is the very long pair of front legs that extend forward like antennae as the mites crawl.
- AphidsWorkers gather food, maintain and defend the nest, and tend eggs, larvae, and pupae. Most species are predators or scavengers, but a few harvest seeds, visit clusters of aphids to eat their sweet secretions, raise fungus for food in small underground gardens, or eat leaves cut from plants. Some species produce eggs, which are eaten by the queen and workers.
- Boxelder BugsBox elder bugs are up to 1/2-inch long Color ranges from gray to black with red criss-crossing stripes on the wings. The nymphs have bright red abdomens.
- BirdsEliminating pest bird problems can be complicated and frustrating. Successful bird control requires experience and expertise. We have both. Offering a wide range of products and services, we can solve your bird problems permanently... and humanely.
- Sparrows
- Starlings
- PigeonsBirds are wonderful creatures. But they sometimes become serious pests. Pigeons and other pest birds deface buildings with their droppings, causing millions of dollars in damage. They and other pest birds contaminate food in warehouses and food plants. Bird nests and droppings can damage equipment, signs, street lights, electrical utilities, and can cause hazardous working conditions. In large flocks, birds can be noisy, dirty and even dangerous. Some carry diseases and parasites that can affect people such as Salmonella, Histoplasmisis and Meningitis.
- Rodents
- Mice
- RatsPack rats get their name from their habit of taking small, bright or shiny objects and hoarding them in their nests. They will take beer can tabs, bottle caps, bits of foil, coins, and jewelry just to name a few items.
- VolesVoles are larger than the house mouse with adults measuring up to 5 inches in head and body length. The tail, however, is shorter in relation to the body. Their color ranges from blackish-brown to grayish-brown. They have a blunt nose, small furry ears, and a scantily-haired tail.