- Anxiety
- General SurgeryDr. Watson received her medical degree from the University of Southern California School of Medicine in 1992. She did her General Surgery and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery residencies at the UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California.
- Wound Care
- OtolaryngologyChoosing a Board-certified facial plastic surgeon is to your advantage because these specialists have demonstrated a commitment to treating conditions of the face, head, and neck. Facial plastic surgeons are typically trained in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, and have spent five to seven years in post-graduate surgical training. Training includes one to two years of post-graduate training in general surgery, and at least four additional years of specialty training in head and neck surgery (including facial plastic surgery) and a privileged twelve-month experience in a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Fellowship program.
- Reconstructive SurgeryFollowing the completion of her residency training, Dr. Watson did a Fellowship in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Illinois at Chicago and had the privilege of training with internationally-renowned facial plastic surgeon M. Eugene Tardy, M.D. and Dean Toriumi, M.D. as well as nasal reconstructive plastic surgeon Gary Burget, M.D.
- BotoxProminent forehead creases, brow furrows or eye lines (crow's feet) produced by specific facial expression muscles repeatedly creasing the skin may be effectively treated by reducing the function of specific facial muscles. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a sterile, purified protein produced from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum in the laboratory. Botox injected in small amounts to facial muscles binds to the nerve endings supplying the muscle and prevents nerve impulses from traveling to the muscle. When injected into muscle, it weakens or paralyzes the muscle around the area injected for a typical period of several months. The resultant weakening or paralyzing effect on the facial muscle temporarily reduces or eliminates previous skin creasing and new skin creasing is avoided. Botox may take several days to have its effect, and the effect typically last 3-6 months, in most individuals, before full muscle movement returns. At that point further treatment may be elected.
- Brow LiftAs with all elective surgery, good health and realistic expectations are prerequisites. When a surgeon tightens loose skin and removes the excess, forehead wrinkling and drooping brows are modified. The procedure is called a forehead lift or brow lift. If necessary, the surgeon removes part of the muscle that causes vertical frown lines between the brows. The result can be a smoother brow and a more youthful expression. To see what a forehead lift can do for your face, put your hands above your brows and outside the edges of your eyes and gently raise the skin upwards. Forehead lifts are an option if you have a sagging brow or deep furrows between the eyes. This procedure is usually done between age forty and sixty-five, although it may be necessary at an earlier age.
- Eyelid SurgeryIn upper eyelid surgery, the surgeon first marks the individual lines and creases of the lids in order to keep the scars as invisible as possible along these natural folds. The incision is made, and excess fat, muscle, and loose skin are removed. Fine sutures are used to close the incisions, thereby minimizing the visibility of any scar.
- LiposuctionBefore deciding on a facelift, you should discuss with your facial plastic surgeon whether the overall effect will be more successful if additional changes are made in the chin and neck areas through other facial surgery. Many patients decide to have facial liposuction to remove excess fatty deposits in conjunction with a facelift. If several flaws need correction, more than one procedure may be necessary for the best overall result.
- RhinoplastyYou can expect a thorough explanation of the surgeon's expectations and the risks involved in surgery. Following a joint decision by you and your surgeon to proceed with rhinoplasty, the surgeon will take photographs of you and discuss the options available. Your surgeon will explain how the nasal structures, including bone and cartilage, can be sculpted to reshape the nose and indicate how reshaping the chin, for example, could enhance the desired results.
- Plastic SurgeryThe reasons to have facial plastic surgery span a wide spectrum and are highly individualized. Some people have birth disfigurements, while others are victims of accidents or suffer from cancer-related facial deformities. On the other hand, many individuals choose to have surgery for premature aging or desire to change the shape or size of a facial feature that has bothered them for years.
- Face LiftThe following instructions apply to patients who have undergone a facelift or a forehead lifting procedure. Since no two patients are ever exactly alike in their surgical needs, the type of surgery performed, or their rate of healing, we may elect to individualize the following guidelines for each patient. Otherwise, we urge you to follow the advice below very carefully, in order to accelerate your healing and maximize your surgical outcome.
- BlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty usually causes little if any post-operative pain. If you notice significant sharp or dull pain that persists, notify us immediately.
- Nose SurgeryIf you have wondered how nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, could improve your looks, self-confidence, or health, you need to know how rhinoplasty is performed and what you can expect. No pamphlet can answer all your concerns, but this one can provide answers to many of the questions you may have.
- OtoplastyIf you are wondering how otoplasty can improve the way you look, you need to know how otoplasty is performed and what you can expect from this procedure. This pamphlet can address many of your concerns.
- Scar RevisionWith very few exceptions most people are self-conscious about facial scars. Some people may also experience diminished functioning of the eyes, mouth, or nose due to scarring. If you've wondered how facial scar revision could improve your appearance, your self-confidence, or your level of facial functioning, you need to know how scar revision works and what you can expect from this procedure. This pamphlet can address many of your and provide you the information to begin considering facial scar revision surgery.
- Laser ResurfacingDermabrasion and laser resurfacing are methods a surgeon uses to make "rough or elevated" scars less prominent, by removing part of the upper layers of skin with an abrading tool or laser light. Clearly, the scar will remain, but it will be smoother and less visible.
- Cosmetic SurgeryWhether the surgery is desired for functional or cosmetic reasons, your choice of a qualified facial plastic surgeon is of paramount importance. Many facial plastic surgeons are trained in both ear, nose, throat, and facial cosmetic surgery, which provides you, the patient, with the highest level of training and expertise. Your surgeon will examine the structure of your nose, both externally and internally, to evaluate what you can expect from rhinoplasty. Your surgeon will also discuss factors that may influence the outcome of the surgery, such as skin type, ethnic background, age, degree of deformity, and degree of function of nasal structures.
- Dermabrasion
- Chin AugmentationBefore deciding on rhinoplasty, ask your facial plastic surgeon if any additional surgery might be recommended to enhance the appearance of your face. Many patients have chin augmentation in conjunction with rhinoplasty to create a better balance of features.
- Forehead LiftThe effects of aging are inevitable, and, often, the brow and forehead area show the first signs. The skin begins to lose its elasticity. Sun, wind, and the pull of gravity all affect the face, resulting in frown lines, wrinkling across the forehead, and an increasing heaviness of the eyebrows. Even people in their thirties may have faces that look older than their years. Your tired, angry, or sad expression may not reflect how you actually feel. As a result, many people have opted for a procedure known as the forehead lift. Based on variations in how men and women age and on new advances in medical technology, different methods are used to perform this procedure.
- Burns
- AllergiesThe Injectable collagen is an animal protein filler material formulated for safe use in nearly all areas of the face, including the lips and crow's feet. Fine wrinkles are filled in by the material to reduce their visibility. Other prominent facial creases and folds around the forehead, cheeks and chin can be treated as well with this material. Initial collagen allergy testing must be performed, and repeated treatments every 2-4 months are typically needed to sustain the desired result. The treatments are easily performed in the office and usually have minimal side effects.