- OphthalmologyIntraLase® has brought ultra-fast laser technology to the field of ophthalmology with the use of the femtosecond laser. It generates light pulses as short as one-quadrillionth of a second. This infrared laser creates today's most accurate corneal flaps.
- Laser Eye SurgeryDr. Maurer has taught LASIK surgery to fellow ophthalmologists and maintains certification on all VISX excimer lasers, including the latest generation Star S4 tracking laser and the CustomVue platform for individualized LASIK.
- CataractsA cataract is the clouding of the lens of eye. Normally, light passes through the clear lens and is focused onto the retina.
- Cataract SurgeryW ith the formation of a cataract, activities like reading, bowling, or driving can be difficult. Fortunately, vision can be restored quickly, allowing the patient to return home within a few hours. With new advances in cataract surgery, noticed vision improvement begins almost immediately, and an eye patch isn't even needed.
- Eye ExamThough vision may gradually become blurred, significant loss of sight does not usually occur with background retinopathy. Since the patient does not experience pain or external symptoms such as bloodshot eyes or discharge, changes in the retina can go unnoticed unless detected by an eye examination.
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyD iabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among adults. Approximately, 25% of current diabetics have some form of the disease. The risk of developing diabetic retinopathy increases with the age of the diabetic person and the duration of the disease. It is estimated that 90% of diabetics may experience some form of diabetic retinopathy over the course of their life. However, only a small percentage of those developing diabetic retinopathy have serious vision problems and even a smaller percentage become blind.
- UltrasoundUltrasound is used to gently break-up (or emulsify) the cloudy lens into tiny pieces which can be removed through the tip of the phaco probe instead of a wide incision. A special lens can then be implanted through the smaller incision.
- BotoxDr. Maurer has also attended many continuing education courses for further training in eyelid plastic and cosmetic surgery, including the recent Botox, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) and laser rejuvenation course sponsored by the University of California Medical Center and proctored by nationally recognized experts in the field.
- Eyelid Surgery
- Blepharoplasty
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Allergies