- Oil ChangeRegardless, consider that this race covers 3,500 miles in 24 hours. Porsche says this is equivalent to 3,500,000 street miles and its also done without an oil change. The race has been won by a turbocharged car in the majority of events in the last 40 years. Please note that the factory team of Cadillac and Audi racers were all turbocharged.
- Fuel Injection Service/RepairThe broad range of tuning capability by changing fuel pressure has yet to be fully explored. We have pioneered this concept with the introduction of the rising rate fuel pressure regulator. It has been created for the purpose of increasing the fuel flow through electronic fuel injection systems when conditions of engine load demand more fuel. Unique to the rising rate regulator is that the pressure only increases when needed then returns to stock. This concept does not keep the fuel pressure up all the time. The concept of the rising rate regulator is particularly useful in three circumstances...
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