- AntsYou talk about a pesky pest, ant usually come to mind first. There is a large number of ants the forage in the four states, 27 different species, I've been told. We have only dealt with or treated a few. Normally, when talking to a customer about their ant problem, it's a little black ant. Most people don't care what kind it is, only that they're bothering them.
- SpidersOne of the most feared insects in the world, even though 90% of them are beneficial to our eco-system. Pest control or spider control can be tricky for reasons you may not think of. Most spiders are reclusive, hiding in their webs or ambush points, cracks & crevices. Many chemicals won’t affect them as other insect because the chemicals don’t get applied to the areas spiders are hiding. Another reason being, spiders do not groom them selves like other insects, so they don’t ingest the pesticides. They also walk higher off the surface doubling their chance of avoiding the pesti-cides. With that being said, spider control can be accomplished with care-ful inspections and applications to harborage areas. Glue boards are a great non-poisonous rool to use for spider control. Insecticidal dusts also work well when applied to these areas.Preventative measures should be used in any spider control methods. Kill the food source (other insects) and the spiders will leave the area. Make sure plants and vegetation is away from the house, door seals leave no gaps, and all window screens are repaired. Avoid leaving lights on out-doors on the house so not to attract flying insects or other drawn to the light.Black Widow spiders and the Brown Recluse are the most dangerous spider in our area. Spider control of these are the most common calls we receive. Black Widows are mostly found outdoors, around wood piles or corners of a building or downspout. Routine pest control service can keep them to a minimum.Brown Recluse control can be a little more difficult to achieve. They tend to stay in areas that are not disturbed much, storage boxes, closets, drawers. They are hunting spiders and like to hunt at night, and most bites are a defensive action to them. It is said that most of their fangs are not strong enough to puncture human skin alone. Needing a slap or weight of cloth-ing to penetrate. Chidren and the elderly are more suseptiblr to these bites, no bets on the bigger ones. Glue boards are very useful in monitoring brown recluse spiders. If you have a spider problem, give us a call.
- TermitesTermites are the most expensive pest in the world today. Each year they are responsible for millions of dollars in damages to homes and businesses, just in the US. They strike often without detection or warning. In our part of the country the only threat is the sub-terrainian termite, which needs contact with moisture and soil to survive. Other areas in the U.S. don't have as much luck as they are prone to other destructive types.
- Bed BugsA new threat to not only to homeowners, but nursing homes, hospitals, hotels and motels, and of course anywhere else people gather are bed bugs. There are many different approaches to rid your space of bed bugs, heat is probably the best and quickest way to kill bed bugs in most cases. Jelco uses propane for bed bug heat treatments to get an even and regulated temperature. There are dozens of over-the-counter sprays, many are short on their promises. We at Jelco Pest Solutions use other alternative measures and experience, that is effective on most infestations. It compromises of a series of heat, vacuuming and chemicals. It is an option that COULD remedy the infestation. Mattress and boxspring encasements can be a valuable asset in battling bed bugs.
- FleasFleas start nipping on you in the house, a vacuum can be your best friend, try a flea collar in the canister or bag.
- CockroachesNot much freaks people out more than seeing cockroaches scurry across a dinner plate or table. They are a very persistant pest to say the least. At Jelco Pest Solutions, we have built a reputation in pest control for exterminating roaches, especially the German Cockroach. I've yet to see a magic bullet for killing this insect in one treatment for infestations that have been growing for a period of time. Beginning with our inspection, we will look for and flush the insects from the areas we suspect to be harborages. In severe cases vacuuming may be necessary to remove large numbers in the fight. We always use an IGR (insect growth regulator) along with our special blend of insecticides and bait(s) to control the German cockroach.
- SilverfishEarwigs and silverfish too, fall into the category of occasional invaders. They like cool dark places to hide and come out when they need. Often removing their habitats will be the end of them
- CricketsCamel crickets or humpback and spider crickets, as some call them are occasional invaders also. They like cool dark places under your house or in your garage. They eat lots of different things and a crawlspace treatment is often necessary to rid them entering your establishment.
- EarwigsOccasional invaders are simply that. Bugs that don't invader your home often, they can be Camel crickets, earwigs, silverfish, scorpions, carpet beetles and many more kids of bugs. Each requires a thorough inspection to identify and find the source of an infestation. Many of these "occasional invaders" can be exterminated with a simple chemical barrier or perhaps, just moving some items.
- Beetles
- ScorpionsScorpions are another "occasional invaders in Joplin and surrounding areas" not often seen but, can have a painful sting. Most often found near chat piles and rocky terrain they can become to find a place in your home or business. SE Kansas Galena area is a common area to find them. Chemical barriers are a good way to rid of them. When you need pest control for these bugs, call us
- RodentsRodents, including mice are well know to spread disease. Nobody wants that. Mice enter your home or business, urinate or defecate anywhere they wish. They eat or contaminate your food, or spoil your day. Jelco Pest Solutions in Joplin will locate possible entryways into your house or business and report to you what can be done to seal them out. In the meantime we will set out safe, lockable bait stations to kill the rodents, usually with 1 feeding.
- MiceMice are normally shy pest that prefer to stay out of site. Pest control on mice and rats need to be a mulit-facet approach to eliminate the rodents from your home. Block entryways into your home and areas in your home that provides food and hiding places for mice. Steel wool will work but, it rusts and becomes less useful over time, Copper mesh works very well and will not rust and mice have a difficult time chewing through it. I have seen them chew through 2x4's. Mice can even bring fleas into your house, which can cause other problems down the road. GOT PROBLEMS WITH MICE? CALL JELCO 417-782-1877
- Rats
- SquirrelsThe most common flea to invade your home is the cat flea, yes they are on your dog as well. The source can be your pet or the squirrels playing in your back yard. Or mice could be bringing them in, regardless, they can be difficult to control. A vacuum is your best friend here, if that doesn't work call us