- Osteoporosis
- Medical Weight LossYes. Sweets are carbohydrates just like fruit, rice, and milk. It is important to watch your portions just like any other carbohydrate you eat. Sweets tend to be high in fat and calories, as well. If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to limit these foods to improve weight loss.
- RheumatologyClinical trials allow you access to cutting-edge treatments that might not be available anywhere else. Our experience in clinical trials includes work in diabetes, cardiology, osteoporosis, rheumatology, and more.
- High Cholesterol
- Ophthalmology
- Female Infertility
- Urology
- Stress ManagementWhenever your body is under any kind of stress, your blood sugars can rise. Stress can be emotional, such as a death in the family, or physical, such as having the flu. When a person is under stress, they may not be as careful about taking care of themselves either. They may forget to take their medication or eat the wrong foods. It is important to monitor your blood sugars more often when you are not feeling well and learn stress management skills to control your blood sugars during these stressful times.
- Depression
- Diabetes Care
- EndocrinologyEven though we’re the largest endocrinology practice in the United States, it will feel like we’re one of the smallest. It’s all thanks to our NEFEDA CareTeams. With our CareTeams, you’ll have a small, passionate group of professionals dedicated to you and your well-being. We believe that creates the strongest bond possible between caregivers and patients. It allows for more seamless, cohesive care. It’s all done to give you the best odds of success.
- HypothyroidismHypothyroidism is caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is most often caused by “Hashimoto’s disease” where the body’s own immune system (T cells) attacks the cells of the thyroid. Interestingly, it was the first disease to be recognized as an autoimmune disease. Some symptoms of this disease include fatigue, loss of hair, and hyperlipidemia (high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels). It can also cause feelings of depression, loss of libido, and an inability to concentrate.
- ThyroidComplications of Type 1 Diabetes are: hypoglycemia; low blood glucose level; hyperglycemia; high blood glucose level; and ketoacidosis, dangerously high levels of acid in the blood. Conditions such as celiac disease, adrenal insufficiency, and thyroid disease can be associated with Type 1 Diabetes. In addition, Type 1 diabetics are at an increased risk of heart disease, kidney damage, nerve damage, and even blindness. Seeking treatment as soon as possible is critical to prevent these complications. Once you do, your NEFEDA doctor will help you receive the treatment best for you.
- Thyroid CancerThyroid Cancer is the development of malignant tumors in the thyroid gland. As with all cancers, the outcome depends upon the type and stage of the cancer. With our elite physicians using revolutionary technology, our goal is to do everything possible to help our patients beat all types of Thyroid Cancer.
- General Podiatry