- The Ftd Sunlit Treasurest Bouquet$34.99the ftd red rose bouquet offers a symbol of lasting love and undying affection in this time of grief and loss. rich red roses are perfectly arranged with seeded eucalyptus in a classic clear glass vase to create a bouquet that expresses your most heartfelt sympathies.
- The Ftd Red Rose Bouquet$74.99happy birthday! it's all for you! all your wishes for the best birthday ever are packed into this radiant bouquet. bright red roses and matsumoto asters contrast with sunny yellow daisies and white monte casino. curling ribbon adds a festive finishing touch.
- The Ftd All For Yout Bouquet$44.99sunny yellow rules the day in this cheerful bouquet. roses, spray roses, daisy pompons, gerbera daisies and alstroemeria are all dressed up in shades of yellow.
- The Ftd Sun & Starst Bouquet$29.99the ftd radiant richest bouquet bursts with the brilliant colors of harvest sunshine and the essence of the freedom of the fall season. bi-colored yellow and orange roses pop against a backdrop of pale peach asiatic lilies and gold peruvian lilies accented with fresh, lush greens. arranged in a bold amber glass vase, this bouquet is a warm wish for a season full of memorable moments.
- The Ftd Radiant Richest Bouquet$39.99the ftd sunlit treasurest bouquet spreads joy and light with its rich display of brilliant color. deep midnight blue iris set an impressive background to vibrant yellow roses perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase, creating a bouquet of happy wishes for a wonderful spring season.
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