- Osteoporosis
- Headaches
- ArthritisSomething is going on. In the Nineties, it was fairly easy to help a chronically ill person get better. Have them stop dairy and rheumatoid arthritis would go into remission. Lose a few pounds and their blood pressure would normalize. Now days it seems like chronic illnesses are more common, they are happening to younger and younger people and they are much more difficult to get to go away. Why?
- Fibromyalgia“Stress” and “daily life” are rapidly becoming synonyms. Surveys over the last three decades show that an ever-increasing percentage of Americans describe themselves as “stressed out”. In the latest survey, that percentage was over fifty. Physicians now estimate that stress is the cause of over seventy percent of doctor visits. Stress is a major factor in heart disease, our number one killer; strokes, our number three killer; cancer, our number two killer; depression, anxiety, autoimmune diseases, insomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, addictions, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue...the list goes on and on. And for just about any health condition you have, the symptoms are more severe when you’re stressed than when you’re not.
- Medical Weight Loss
- Pediatric Care
- Primary CareBesides the tools of traditional primary care, Dr. Hall uses many natural treatments including herbs, hypnosis, homeopathy, therapeutic nutritional supplements, Cranio-Sacral therapy and functional medicine. People often ask what these last two treatment methods entail. Here is a brief description of each of these methods and their uses. Dr. Hall combines all these methods into a type of medicine he calls Integral Medicine.
- Ear InfectionsCranio-Sacral is extremely useful in treating young children with frequent ear infections, older children going through orthodontia (documented to shorten treatment time and reduce discomfort) and newborns soon after birth to release any residual birth trauma. It is also helpful in combination with other treatments for children and adults with ADD/ADHD.
- Sleep Disorders
- Family PracticeSteven M. Hall MD practices a dynamic form of medicine that combines traditional and alternative modalities. His goal is to encourage each patient to find wholeness in his or her life on all levels — physical, emotional, social and spiritual. Residency-trained in family practice, Dr. Hall’s consuming curiosity propelled him out of the traditional medical box as he sought answers to his patients’ seemingly unsolvable medical problems.
- High Cholesterol
- Emergency CareSo that’s why we all have to work together. One contagious person, not wearing a mask, walking through a room, can contaminate that whole room for hours, potentially infecting all the others in the room who are wearing a mask. If we can decrease the amount of virus hanging around in the air and settling out on surfaces, we can decrease the spread of the virus. Wearing a mask or not is not a political issue, it is a compassion issue. You do it because you care about people who may be susceptible to the serious effects of COVID. You do it so that everyone who needs a ventilator will have one, so that people don’t have to stay in the emergency room for days waiting for a bed in the hospital.
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome* Irritate your digestion, which can cause, among other things, heartburn, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and colitis
- ElectrocardiogramWe can know things objectively. I can measure your blood chemistries, your EEG, your EKG, I can CT your entire body. I can collect all kinds of objective information about you. (You ought to see the kind of information Target collects on you when you shop there...information they use to refine their marketing efforts toward you. (That is why they call their store “Target”: because you have one on your back as soon as you walk in the door.)) But all this kind of information only gives me one side of who you are. To learn all this about you, I don’t even have to talk to you. This is a monological way of knowing things. I can study the right two quadrants with monological science.
- Diarrhea
- ImmunizationsFifth, you’ve probably heard the saying, “A stitch in time saves nine.” I don’t know if this has been scientifically proven: in my experience, sometimes it saves a lot more than nine. The point is that prevention is often a better strategy than needing to dig yourself out of the pit once you’ve fallen into it. So, again, you would like your ideal medicine to be focused on prevention at least as much as it does on treatment. “Prevention” to the conventional physician usually means “immunizations”. But there is so much more to real preventative medicine. Learning how to listen to the messages coming to you from your life and taking actions when the warnings are little whispers generally prevents the need for a 2x4 upside the head. You don’t want your life coming after you with a 2x4, believe me.
- ObstetricsWhen I finished my residency, I went to be the only doctor in a small town in Maine. I did obstetrics as part of my family practice. One of my patients had a long and difficult labor. I stayed with her at the hospital the entire time. I had done all of her prenatal care and knew her fairly well. She wanted to be as natural as possible during her labor. Over the course of the day, the OB nurse on duty thought that I should be much more interventional with her labor management. I disagreed. I monitored my patient very carefully and kept in good communication with her and her husband. I didn’t know him as well as he had not come to any of her prenatal visits. He was a young man who worked as a logger and had a reputation as somewhat of a hell-raiser around town. I ate lunch with him in the hospital cafeteria and explained what was happening with his wife’s labor and why the nurse wanted what she wanted and compared that to what his wife wanted. I felt like he was pretty on board with how everything was going.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeYour white blood cells talk to each other with chemical called “cytokines.” They are to the white blood cells like neurotransmitters are to your nerve cells. When you have the flu, it is not the virus itself that makes you exhausted, feverish and achy, those are the effects of cytokines. If you have leaky gut, chances are good that you have elevated levels of cytokines in your system. That explains why you may feel fluish at times, or feel like you are coming down with something then it never manifests. If your immune system is on all the time, you are in a pro-inflammatory state. You can turn inflammation on easily but cannot then turn it off very well. You get over-use syndromes like carpal tunnel and tennis elbow easily, injuries may take longer to heal, you get stiff and sore more easily and such.
- AutismDr. Bertin is a neurodevelopmental pediatrician (meaning he specializes in children’s developmental issues, such as learning problems, ADD/ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders) who has integrated mindfulness concepts into his practice, when families are open to them.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Stress Management
- Depression
- Mental HealthThere was no talk about that, well, if kids are getting depressed this young, maybe there is a genetic component and they should have their methylation status checked. No talk about other treatments for depression such as L-tryptophan, 5-HTP, SAMe, homeopathy, acupuncture, removing food reactions, healing the microbiome, relieving cranial restrictions...nothing like that. It was astounding. There were probably a hundred doctors in the room, all intelligent, caring people, yet they were so restricted to only pharmaceutical solutions, that they would stand by and let their patients die rather than research and recommend other options. Of course, they referred to mental health specialists for family systems or psychological problems.
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- Thyroid
- X-Rays
- ChemotherapySince then, I’ve seen this visualization help people tolerate chemotherapy better, not get usual side effects from opiates, blood pressure meds, antidepressants and such. You have a powerful mind. Learn how to use it to help yourself heal, increase your happiness and decrease your limitations.
- Cyst
- Sports MedicineTraumatic brain injury (TBI), is a big problem in the US. In 2013, there were about 2.8 million emergency room visits, hospitalizations and deaths due to TBI ( https://www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/index.html ). Falls, moving vehicle accidents, and sports injuries were the most common causes. Sadly, in children under 4 years old, assaults are the leading cause of TBIs. TBIs can range from very mild, with no long-term adverse effects, to fatal. The more severe the TBI, the more likelihood of long term effects such as memory loss, emotional swings, learning problems, headaches, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sounds, neurological deficits, and such.
- Tennis Elbow
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Allergies