- Divorce
- Child SupportBut not all debts can be discharged. Unpaid child support, student loans, and taxes within the past three years are types of debts that cannot be eliminated through bankruptcy. Our Chapter 7 attorney can review your debts and assets carefully to determine whether or not this option can give you the relief you need.
- Spousal SupportCertain debts associated with divorce can have an extremely negative impact on your financial situation. Keep in mind that spousal support and child support debts cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. You may, however, be able to repay past-due support obligations if you file under Chapter 13.
- FraudTax debt is most likely dischargeable if accrued more than three years ago. Debts that are obtained within the past three years are priority debts and are not dischargeable. In order to qualify, your tax returns must have been filed more than two years ago. Debts assessed within the last 240 days cannot be discharged. Debt is also not dischargeable after involvement in tax fraud or by having a tax lien placed against your property.
- Workers Compensation
- BankruptcyEven if you file, you will be required to pay back your student loan in its entirety. By filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, we can help you make your student loan payments affordable while obtaining control of your finances. Our Indianapolis bankruptcy lawyers at Jackson & Oglesby Law LLC can help you gain control of your student loans.
- ForeclosureAll throughout the nation, home values have plummeted and countless individuals have lost their houses to foreclosure. Many Indiana homeowners owe more on their mortgage than what their property is actually worth. Owners who are many months behind on their mortgage and are facing foreclosure have been engaging in powerful debt relief solutions, such as bankruptcy.
- Debt CollectionBankruptcy has many advantages for people who are facing extensive amounts of stress from attempts at debt collection. For most individuals, the main goal of bankruptcy is to discharge debt to end creditor harassment and become financially sound. Discharge means that your debts are forgiven and eliminated, but you might be required to recognize the income for tax purposes.