- Commercial Pest ControlInsight Pest Solutions proudly serves over 30,000 customers. Whether you have an office building, restaurant, warehouse, multi-unit housing, or anything else, we would love to control your pests safely and discreetly.
- Ants– Keep tree limbs trimmed and from coming into contact with the roof; tree limbs make an ideal expressway to your house for ants and other pests.
- SpidersMake a homemade spray repellent for spiders using a couple of ingredients you can find at your local grocery store. Combine one quart of distilled white vinegar and a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil in a spray bottle. Tighten the lid and shake the bottle to mix it thoroughly. Use this spray in pantry or closet corners, along baseboards and along the corners where the walls and cieling meet to repel spid
- TermitesTermites feed all year long and cause billions of dollars in property damage each year. ItÂ’s a good idea to get your home inspected regularly. Protect your largest investment by having a licensed pest control operator perform an inspection. For peace of mind, monitor your home 24/7/365 with an active termite baiting system.
- Bed BugsIf you are a tenant (renter), please find out the laws in your area about the responsibility of landlords vs. renters to eliminate a bedbug problem. A local tenantsÂ’ rights organization probably exists in your city, and theyÂ’re probably the best free source of information regarding landlordsÂ’ responsibility to pay for treatment. Remember that you, the tenant, also have responsibilities, like reporting infestations promptly (doing so in writing protects you legally), and complying with treatment.
- Fleas
- CockroachesWhenever food and water are easy to find, roaches will invite themselves to dinner. Meticulously clean your kitchen, including crumbs near the stove, microwave, and refrigerator. Vacuum scraps of food from corners and around the cabinet bases. To paralyze and eventually kill roaches, mix boric acid with water and flour, and place in jar lids in the back of cupboards and underneath stoves. (Caution! Keep out of reach of pets and children.) The flour will attract the roaches; the boric acid will eat away at their exoskeleton.
- SilverfishPowdered ~99-100% boric acid is probably one of the safest crack-and-crevice treatments for household pests, such as silverfish and cockroaches.
- BeesNot all bees are pests! In fact, one in three bites of food is reliant on honey bee pollination. However, with wide-scale population declines, honey bees and wild pollinators desperately need a refuge to protect themselves from pesticide contamination. To develop a pollinator and bee-friendly habitat in your own backyard, consider their three basic needs...
- WaspsTo deter bald-faced hornets [in addition to bees and wasps], I would suggest planting Feverfew (Chrysanthemum or Tanacetum parthenium) nearby. I had a seasonal challenge in late summer with wasps congregating around and under the shutters on the front of my house, but planted one Feverfew in the adjacent garden and they have since found other living quarters. IÂ’m sorry that I no longer see green halictid bees nesting in the front lawn but I donÂ’t have to wait until after sunset to mow. Feverfew is so potent that you would want to keep it away from your vegetable garden to preserve pollination.
- TicksTicks need to be removed ASAP because some carry Lyme disease. Using a fine-point tweezer, grasp the tick as close as possible to where it is attached to the skin and pull it out. Try to pull off the entire tick. Then wipe the area with alcohol and wash hands with soap and water. Put the tick in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. If you should develop a bull’s-eye mark on your skin, a fever, muscle aches or joint pain, take the saved tick to your doctor so that it can be used in the diagnosis.
- CricketsCricket Control Solution: Place a strip of duct tape, sticky side up, on the floor near where you hear crickets. The bugs will be attracted and get stuck.
- MosquitoesWhat many people donÂ’t realize is mosquitoes breed in standing water, and they donÂ’t need much. A bottle cap full of water can produce hundreds of mosquitoes. Use these tips (even in colder months, melted snow becomes water!) to make sure your yard stays swat free.
- FliesThe main source of attraction for flies are smells. The ideal action you can make in removing flies inside your kitchen is definitely to keep them outside altogether. Mend all tears in your window and door screens. At the same time, always make sure there are no breaks in the padding strip around the entry doors. This will also assist in keeping away other creatures and pesky insects just as well. Now that you are aware how you can care for the inside, the time has come to get to the cause of the issue. IÂ’ve found that the quickest and most efficient way to do this is to use a fly trap. TheyÂ’re really cheap and very efficient.
- BeetlesJapanese beetle traps tend to attract more beetles than they trap. A better solution for these beetles is beneficial nematodes, which can kill up to 80 percent of the Japanese beetle larvae in lawns where they are applied.
- HornetsWasps, including, paper wasps, yellow jackets and bald-faced hornets, are beneficial and generally do not sting unless disturbed, threatened, or harmed. To prevent unwanted wasps: remove fallen fruits, spilled food and drinks, soft drink cans, and garbage; avoid scents and brightly colored materials; and keep your house, dumpster, garage, and attic clean. Over-the-counter pesticides labeled for wasp control generally only kill the wasps you actually spray.
- Yellowjackets
- MothsCaterpillars and worms will feed on plants, chewing holes in leaves and stems. Larvae that develop into butterflies are a nuisance, but since butterflies themselves generally don’t damage plants, they can be left alone or picked off if necessary. Caterpillars can be controlled in several different ways. Natural predators such as birds might help; install a birdbath to draw winged visitors to the garden. Discourage moths from laying eggs by using floating row covers over plants, but make sure to remove row covers when food plants need to be pollinated. Biological material Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) is a garden pest control method that is harmless to people, animals, and beneficial insects.
- Stink BugsTo help keep the marmorated stink bug and other insects from entering your house in the fall be sure to seal voids around doors and windows roof vents and place screening over attic vents, etc… If you use window or wall air conditioners, covering or removing them in the fall will help prevent stink bugs and other insects from entering.
- Pantry PestsWhen it comes to insects, we’re missing the boat by NOT eating them. They say that 80 percent of our world’s cultures eat insects. Insects are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and other micronutrients. And they are plentiful. What’s not to like? Many of our most common pantry pests rice weevils, for example, or mealy moths or ants are perfectly edible. I’ll go one step further: if they are properly prepared, they can be downright delicious.
- Stinging InsectsTightly seal all garbage cans and cover all food when outdoors. Avoid excessive use of fragrances outdoors, which can attract stinging insects.
- MitesMicroscopic dust mites are everywhere in the home – in our beds, clothing, furniture, book shelves and stuffed animals. For people with allergies or asthma, dust mites are a problem. Vacuum mattresses and pillows. For people with sensitivities to dust mite allergens, dust mite bedding is available with zippered, allergen-impermeable encasings designed to block dust mites. Wash bedding at 130F or higher. Detergents and commercial laundry products have no effect on mites unless the water temperature is high. Keep books, stuffed animals, throw rugs and laundry hampers out of the bedroom of allergy sufferers. Wash stuffed animals occasionally in hot water. Cover heating ducts with a filter which can trap tiny dust particles smaller than 10 microns. Avoid using humidifiers. Dust mites thrive on warmth and humidity.
- SpringtailsHomeowners who are interested in pest management within and around their homes must first determine the type of pest that they are dealing with. In many cases, the pest insect or other arthropod will be small and difficult to see. I therefore recommend the purchase of a binocular magnifier, preferably one that will be able to create a digital image. This image can be magnified and compared with pest images on the internet and in most cases provide information on potential damage and control options. Most of these “little guys” will be beetles, flies, springtails, and spiders.
- AphidsTo prevent a plague of pests, avoid growing large areas of one type of plant. It is more difficult for pests to home in on their target when confronted by a variety of different plants, such as perennials, annuals, and shrubs, as well as herbs, vegetables, and fruit. The abundant nectar also draws in beneficial insects. DonÂ’t overfeed plants because aphids love the resulting soft growth.
- SlugsDid you know you can get rid of slugs and snails with eggs shells? Spread crushed shells underneath and around your plants. Add more shells every week. Snails and slugs hate anything that is sharp or rough, so they will slink away when they get to the shells. Plus, there is a lot of calcium in eggshells, so youÂ’re adding natural fertilizer to the garden as well! Other textures that work include coffee grounds, coarse sand, sheepÂ’s wool, and Diatomaceous Earth.
- Snails
- BatsChanging your exterior lights from mercury vapor bulbs to sodium vapor bulbs will reduce the attractiveness of your home to insects. This will also impact the number of predators that feed on insects such as spiders and bats that will no longer be attracted to your home as well.
- MolesSolar powered pest control products are a relatively new green product on the market. Solar panels on the top of the unit collect energy from the sun while the spike is buried underground. The device periodically shakes, sending vibrations through the ground to disturb and frighten animals. Models are available to repel moles and other vermin and at least one company makes a solar powered snake repellent. However, many gardeners are happy to see snakes in the garden, as they are natural predators of the smaller mammals that cause the most damage.
- RaccoonsRaccoons can be pesky, tenacious animals that make homeowners desperate for a solution to the problem of nuisance raccoons. Sometimes, the answer is as simple as clearing the area of any possible food sources. Other times, the answer may be more complex. Here are some non-lethal options for dealing with nuisance raccoons...
- SnakesSnakes enter the home through cracks like those under doorways. Additionally, firewood, shrubbery and bodies of water all attract snakes. Even if theyÂ’re not poisonous, some snakes carry deadly bacteria in their mouths that can get into your bloodstream and cause serious illness. Even though most snake bites are harmless, have them checked immediately by a doctor, to be safe.
- Wildlife
- Opossums
- Birds
- RodentsInvest in some small plastic containers that not only make your pantry look organized, but also keep your food safe from any rodents that might be looking for an extra meal.
- Mice
- RatsThe moral of the story is A. DonÂ’t have rats. B. Avoid them by getting rid of the clutter. C. DonÂ’t leave open food.
- SquirrelsChimneys are frequented by squirrels, raccoon, bats and birds, and represent the single largest opening to your home. The installation of an inexpensive chimney cap can save you from having an animal loose in your home, causing damage and a possible face-to-face confrontation.