- Evaluate Your Sleep SymptomsIf your score is 8 or slightly above, there is a chance you may have sleep apnea. The higher your score up to a maximum of 24, the more the likely it is you may have apnea. If your score is in the apnea zone we strongly encourage you to be evaluated for sleep apnea
- Evaluate Your TMD SymptomsIf your score is 8 or slightly above, there is a chance you may have temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). The higher your score up to a maximum of 24, the more likely it is you may have a TMD problem. If your score is more than 8 we encourage you to be evaluated for TMD
- To determine if you suffer from Sleep Apnea, take this simple test. Please select the appropriate answer for each question below as accurately as possible
- Sitting & ReadingChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- Watching TVChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- Sitting inactive in public placee.g. A Theatre or a Meeting. Choose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- As passenger in car for an hour without a breakChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- Lying down to rest in afternoon when circumstances permitChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- Sitting & talking to someoneChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- Sitting quietly after lunch without alcoholChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in trafficChoose From: Never Doze, Sight Chance of Dozing, Moderate Chance of Dozing, High Chance of Dozing
- To determine if you suffer from a TMJ disorder, take this simple test. Please select the appropriate answer for each question as accurate as possible
- HeadachesChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Ear PainChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- TM Joint PainChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Jaw joint painChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Jaw joint noisesChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Facial PainChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Neck painChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Limited mouth openingChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily
- Tooth grinding/bruxixmChoose From: Never, Seldom, Frequently, Daily