- GlaucomaGlaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States. Basically, glaucoma is an elevated internal eye pressure which can lead to an irreversible loss of vision. There are different types of glaucoma. The most important risk factors to developing the disease are...
- OphthalmologyCarlos Montoya Sr., M.D. earned his medical degree from the University of El Salvador. He continued his ophthalmology training at the University of Mexico. He practiced in El Salvador and served as University Professor for nine years, but due to political unrest he relocated to the United States. In California he was accepted to the prestigious University of San Francisco where he served his fellowship in Neuro-Ophthalmology. In 1985 he founded St. Lucia Eye Center in Huntington Park, and it is here, that he made it his priority to provide the best available eye care in the Los Angeles area.
- Macular DegenerationThe most common causes of macular degeneration are related to age or the natural aging of the organism. There are two types of macular degeneration related with age: “dry” (atrophic) and Wet (exudative).
- Laser Eye SurgeryMy Mother in Law (Julieta Garcia) had a great experience with the medical attention during an eye surgery on both of her eyes. Now after her recovery she is very pleased to recommend St Lucia Eye Center.
- CataractsA cataract is a “clouding” of the lens in the eye, which normally is clear and transparent. The most common type of cataract is related to natural aging process of the eye, but other causes can be, hereditary, lesion of the eye, medical problems such as diabetes, drugs such as steroids, or long exposure to sun rays without proper eye protection. Cataracts are common cause for poor vision, mainly in elderly people.
- Cataract SurgeryThere are no medications, nutritional supplement, or exercises that have proven to cure or avoid Cataracts. Surgery is the only method to eliminate a cataract. Cataract surgery is a simple operation performed under local anesthesia without the need for hospitalization. Through a tiny incision, the clouded lens is removed, and a new permanent artificial IntraOcular Lens is implanted.
- Eye Exam
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetes can affect your eyesight. If you suffer from diabetes mellitus, your body does not use, nor store sugar in the blood in an appropriated manner and the high level of sugar in the blood can damage the blood vessel in the retina. There are two types of diabetic retinopathy: nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and proliferate diabetic retinopathy (PDR). A medical examination is the only way to detect changes inside your eye and to diagnose and treat retinopathy before a problem is detected in your vision.
- Eyelid SurgeryBlepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the procedure in which Dr. Montoya removes fat or excess skin and muscle – generally around the upper and lower eyelids. This type of surgery can correct the droopy upper eyelids and the “bags” in the lower lids that may interfere with vision. The results of this type of surgery give the patient a much younger and more alert appearance that can last for years. For many people the results are permanent.
- Blepharoplasty
- Cosmetic SurgeryI was referred to Doctor Montoya Jr. by a friend who had both corrective eye and cosmetic surgery. Doctor Montoya and Jessica, his surgery coordinator, are an amazing team. They are very professional, treat their patients like family, make care calls, and truly make your experience pleasant. I encourage anyone who needs eye care to seek the advice of Doctor Montoya first.
- UlcerDr. Montoya saved my left eye, I was dealing with an ulcer an Dr. Montoya promptly treated it and i am glad i made this decision to go see Dr. Montoya.