- Arthritis
- GlaucomaDuring the typical eye exam, an optometrist will test your vision and look for a variety of health issues. These issues may include eye-specific conditions – including cataracts and glaucoma – as well as other diseases, such as diabetes. Afterward, you’ll receive a prescription and any further instruction necessary.
- Macular DegenerationAnother common cause of vision loss, macular degeneration entails the deterioration of the macula – a small, central portion of the retina. Signs can include distorted vision or shadowy areas.
- Laser Eye SurgeryDry eyes are a common eye issue with many causes. The condition is especially common if you’re older than 50, have had laser eye surgery, are a post-menopausal woman or have a range of medical conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, lupus or thyroid disorders. Other causes can include long periods of outdoor work or exposure to computer screens. If you’re experiencing frequent or lasting irritation, it’s important to discuss dry eyes with your optometrist. Read our Full FAQ
- CataractsA cataract refers to the clouding of the lens, a portion of the eye behind the iris and pupil. Cataracts may lead to vision loss, and they’re the world’s most common cause of blindness.
- Eye ExamWhether you’re seeking relief from digital eye strain, managing a complex prescription, or looking for lenses to enhance your active lifestyle, our specialized lenses deliver unparalleled performance and comfort. Our team of experienced opticians will work closely with you to understand your vision concerns and recommend personalized solutions to optimize your visual experience. Book Eye Exam Today
- Mental HealthThis Notice of Privacy Practices describes how COHEN FASHION OPTICAL, LLC may use and disclose your protected health information to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations and for other purposes that are permitted or required by law. It also describes your rights to access and control your protected health information. “Protected health information” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health or conditions and related health care services.
- Diabetes Care
- ThyroidDry eyes are a common eye issue with many causes. The condition is especially common if you’re older than 50, have had laser eye surgery, are a post-menopausal woman or have a range of medical conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, lupus or thyroid disorders. Other causes can include long periods of outdoor work or exposure to computer screens. If you’re experiencing frequent or lasting irritation, it’s important to discuss dry eyes with your optometrist.