- Arthritis
- AutismChildren with a broad range of impairments can benefit from occupational therapy to increase function in their fine and gross motor skills, develop learning strategies, enhance self-care and improve behavior management. Diagnoses commonly treated include developmental delay, Autism/PDD, cerebral palsy, visual motor and visual perceptual difficulties, and sensory integration dysfunction.
- Mental HealthSara is a pediatric physical therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience working with a variety of diagnoses and age ranges from premature infants all the way through teens and young adults. She is a board-certified Pediatric Certified Specialist who has also completed the 8-week Bobath/ Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) course. She is trained in The Halliwick Method of aquatic therapy, The SOS Approach to Problem Feeding, DIRFloortime®, and has extensive experience in sensory integration and other methods of therapeutic interventions. Sara lectures on a variety of topics including NDT, sensory integration, serial casting, aquatic therapy, spasticity management, and movement disorders in children with ASD. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the area of Infant and Early Childhood Development with an emphasis on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.
- Orthopedic SurgeryTheraTogs™ are a therapeutic system intended for use as an adjunct to sensorimotor training, pediatric joint and bone development, and to physical rehabilitation following brain injury, stroke, and orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery. The idea behind TheraTogs™ is to enable the therapist’s hands to “go home with the child”. For more information: http://www.theratogs.com.
- Neurosurgery
- BotoxBotox is the trademark name for the botulinum toxin produced by the same bacteria that causes botulism. In the medical community, it is used to reduce the spasticity of muscles through an injection into the affected muscle. Botox works essentially by preventing the nerve from sending a chemical messenger that tells the spastic muscle to contract (that substance is called acetylcholine).
- Burns
- Physical TherapyCheryl Demas, PT Cheryl is a Physical Therapist. Cheryl has more than 27 years of experience in the physical therapy world. She brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to our clinic and we are very happy to have her.
- Occupational TherapyOccupational therapy helps children develop body awareness, strength, and coordination needed for self-care, early learning, and academic skills. Children with sensory integration problems, social and behavioral problems, and cognitive difficulties can also benefit from treatment.
- Aquatic TherapySwimming is a fun, enjoyable activity that has many physical, psychosocial, cognitive, and recreational benefits. Swimming strengthens muscles that enhance posture, thereby helping to develop the stability needed to learn locomotor and object control skills. The T.E.A.M. Approach offers YEAR ROUND aquatic therapy / water therapy in Houston. There is an onsite, indoor, nine by sixteen foot, above ground Endless Pool, which allows children to swim against different currents. The pool temperature is maintained between 92˚-96˚ F and equipped with a hydraulic chairlift. Our therapists are certified in water safety for swim coaches and most have additional aquatics training including Halliwick and Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT). We offer individual sessions only and most sessions may be billed to private insurance.