- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Emergency CareIf you have an emergency after normal office hours, you will be directed to go to the nearest hospital emergency room where you will be evaluated by the emergency room physician.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- UltrasoundUltrasound is a form of deep heating in which sound waves are applied to the skin and penetrate the body's soft tissues. This therapy is best used in relieving acute pain and can also aid in tissue healing.
- MRIYour doctor will use an in-office evaluation that will include a medical history and may include x-rays, MRI or other options to determine the underlying condition causing nerve pain.
- RadiologyThis mobile x-ray system can provide real-time images of the spine from all angles, allowing doctors to assess a patient's condition with astounding accuracy. Additionally, this device's three-in-one technology assimilates seamlessly into the workflow of the spinal surgeon’s operating procedures and eliminates the need for patients to travel to radiology before the operating room. This simplification decreases the stress on doctors and patients alike, resulting in a more positive surgical experience for everyone involved. Technological advances like this one are the beginning of a new world of surgical excellence.
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyThе dіаgnоѕіѕ оf fасеt jоіnt ѕуndrоmе uѕuаllу bеgіnѕ with a соmрlеtе history and physical exam. Yоur doctor mау оrdеr other dіаgnоѕtіс tеѕtѕ as well. X-rays may bе recommended tо dеtеrmіnе whether thеrе аrе аbnоrmаlіtіеѕ in уоur spine. A CT ѕсаn саn ѕоmеtіmеѕ show mоrе detail аbоut уоur facet jоіnt surfaces. If thе X-rауѕ ѕuggеѕt ѕоmеthіng mау bе аffесtіng уоur fасеt joints, уоur dосtоr may recommend a CT scan tо gеt a bеttеr lооk. A bоnе ѕсаn саn bе useful іn dеtеrmіnіng whether уоur fасеt jоіntѕ аrе inflamed. An іnflаmеd fасеt jоіnt uѕuаllу shows uр аѕ a hоt ѕроt оn a bоnе ѕсаn.
- IontophoresisIontophoresis is a process that delivers steroids through the skin using electrical currents. Once the steroids penetrate the skin, they produce an anti-inflammatory effect in the area of pain. This process is useful during acute episodes of pain.
- Radiation TherapyThe Effects of 125I Brachytherapy On The Cell Cycle And Histo-Pathology Of Malignant Astrocytomas Following Initial Surgery And Conventional Radiation Therapy: Siddiqi SN, Provias J, LaPerriere N, Bernstein M (AANS Annual Meeting, April 1996).
- General SurgeryTravelling for medical care can bе реrfоrmеd tо allow раtіеntѕ frоm lеѕѕ dеvеlореd соuntrіеѕ tо rесеіvе bеttеr quаlіtу саrе іn a lаrgеr and mоrе innovative medical market. Although less common, it is ѕtіll аn іmроrtаnt consideration for patients whо ѕіmрlу саnnоt fіnd the care thеу desire lосаllу, regardless of cost. More people are travelling to Houston, with its internationally known medical center and surgical services to seek state of the art, minimally invasive surgical care.
- SciaticaSciatica (Sciatic Nerve Pain) is pain that starts in the low back and goes to one or both legs. It results from the 'sciatic nerve' (the nerve going to the leg) being pinched as it arises from nerve roots in the spinal canal. Causes of this pinching may include: herniated disc, foramina stenosis, spondylolisthesis.
- Pinched NerveWill insert a microscope that will help him clearly visualise and reach the pinched nerve. Once the pinched nerve is located, Dr. Siddiqi will use microsurgical procedures to remove the ruptured portion of the disc and also any disc fragments which may have broken off from the main disc. The length of the procedure varies on a case-by-case basis, but generally, operative time for this surgery is less than an hour.
- Minimally Invasive SurgeryLumbar Disc Displacement/ Herniation/ Protrusion - Lumbar Disc Displacement is sometimes also referred to as having a herniated disc and occurs when a disc in the lumbar spine pushes out of alignment and puts pressure on the surrounding nerves. Most common in men ages 35 to 50, this displacement can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the legs among other symptoms. Medication, physical therapy, and minimally invasive surgery are all viable options for treating this condition.
- NeurosurgeryModern surgery techniques continue to improve with technology and education. Dr. Siddiqi, an Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, follows and contributes to the advances in minimally invasive surgical practices. Years of practice, study and contributions to the medical field help him to see each case as a unique treatment opportunity. Read more about Dr. Siddiqi's Credentials.
- Cyst
- Physical TherapyFrequent episodes of low back pain (those lasting between two and six weeks) are indications for possible physical therapy treatments. By completing physical therapy sessions and back pain exercises, patients should experience a decrease in back pain and an increase in muscle function. Physical therapy also educates patients on how to continue a maintenance program that can prevent further recurrences of pain. Dr. Siddiqi will assess your back condition and prior medical history to determine if physical therapy is a proper form of treatment for your pain.
- Occupational TherapyOccupational therapy differs from physical therapy in that it is intended to help patients whose daily lives have been significantly affected by a health condition. Occupational therapists help patients achieve a higher level of independence by working with them to develop creative alternatives to carrying out daily activities when skill and strength cannot be developed or improved. Dr. Siddiqi will refer you to an occupational therapist if your condition requires advanced assistance.
- Slipped DiscDiscectomy refers to the surgical removal of herniated disc material (sometimes referred to as a "slipped disc") that is pressing against a nerve root or the spinal cord, causing uncomfortable pressure and pain. When this material is removed, pressure is relieved so that the area has become "decompressed." This is a process very similar to that of letting the air out of a bicycle tire.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain