- Auto InsurancePersonal Auto coverage consists of Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Uninsured Motorist, Personal Injury Protection, Medical Payments, Comprehensive, Collision, Towing and Rental coverage. There is a little variation in the definition of these terms from company to company. Companies may offer higher limits of coverage but the basic definitions read very much alike.
- Inland Marine Insurance
- Renters InsuranceTo start saving today, please call us toll free at 281-558-0800 simply complete the quick quote from below to get a Texas Renter Insurance Quote.
- Home InsuranceHomeowners insurance on certain items like jewelry and furs is limited. You may be able to buy more coverage for an extra premium.
- Long Term Care
- Business Insurance
- Commercial Liability Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Builders Risk Insurance
- Liability InsuranceYou might want more coverage for certain items than your policy provides. For an extra premium, you may be able to buy endorsements that expand or increase the coverage on these items. Some of the most common endorsements expand or increase coverage for jewelry,fine arts, camera equipment, coin or stamp collections, computer equipment, and radio and television satellite dishes and antennas. Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance
- Flood InsuranceTo start saving today, please call us toll free at 281-558-0800 simply complete the quick quote from below to get a Texas Flood Insurance Quote.
- Earthquake InsuranceWhen a hurricane enters the Gulf of Mexico (80 degrees longitude and 20 degrees latitude), you can no longer change or purchase new Windstorm coverage. Earthquake Insurance
- Windstorm InsuranceThe Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) is the state´s insurer of last resort for wind and hail coverage in the 14 coastal counties and parts of HarrisCounty on Galveston Bay. TWIA provides wind and hail coverage when insurance companies exclude it from homeowners and other property policies sold to coastal residents. You can buy TWIA coverage through local insurance agents if you need it.