- Arms: Full w/ Hands Men30 min: $40.00Our Waxer will remove the hairs starting from the shoulder to the hand leaving a clean sensation when complete.
- Arms: Full w/ Hands Women20 min: $40.00Our Waxer will remove the hairs starting from the shoulder to the hand leaving a clean sensation when complete.
- Arms: Lower Arms w/ Hands Men20 min: $30.00This service is for those customers that only need the hair removed from the elbowto the hand
- Arms: Lower Arms w/ Hands Women15 min: $30.00This service is for those customers that only need the hair removed from the elbow to the hand.
- Arms: Upper Arms Men20 min: $30.00Many of our custmors are uncomfortable having hair on the upper portion of the arm, This service removes the hair from the shoulder to the elbow.
- Arms: Upper Arms Women15 min: $30.00Many of our customers are uncomfortable having hair on the upper portion of the arm, This service removes the hair from the shoulder to the elbow.
- Around Nipple Men10 min: $15.00
- Around Nipple Women5 min: $15.00
- Back & Shoulders & Upper Arms Men30 min: $90.00This service is the sam as the back w/ shoulders but alsoincludes the area of the arm from the shoulder down to the elbow, ideal for tanktop users.
- Back: Back & Shoulders & Upper Arms Women15 min: $65.00This service is the sam as the back w/ shoulders but alsoincludes the area of the arm from the shoulder down to the elbow, ideal for tanktop users.
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