- Child Custody and VisitationHourly Litigation Cases I model my fee structure after my father's. William M. Hilton (January 27, 1934 - November 20, 2009) was well regarded as one of the world's foremost legal experts in the field of interstate and international child custody jurisdiction. Other attorneys often told him he could charge double what he did for his level of expertise. He felt that because his fees and fee structure were reasonable, his clients were better able to afford and pay for his services.
- Business FormationHilton Legal, LLC handles a variety of legal matters including insurance litigation, contract disputes, small business formation and litigation, personal injury, trademark, copyright and trade secret litigation and debt collection fraud. For more detailed information about each area of practice, please click on the Practice Area link to the left.
- Business DisputesLeases, agreements to buy or sell goods and/or services or real estate, insurance policies, mortgages and credit agreements are all contracts. If you are accused of breaching a contract or you feel that a person or business with whom you contracted is in breach, you should consider your legal alternatives.
- Trade Secrets
- Personal InjuryYou pay insurance premiums so your insurance company will protect you against the risk of harm to yourself and others. Sometimes in life you are responsible for an auto accident, or some condition at your home or business that causes you or someone else economic or personal injury. Or maybe through no fault of your own, your car or other insured property that you own is damaged or stolen. That is why you have insurance. When you make a claim for damages that is covered by your insurance policy, your insurance company should pay those damages up to the limits of your policy. When another person or business either makes a claim or sues you for their damages, your insurance company is supposed to provide a legal defense and if you are liable, attempt to settle the claim. All too frequently, your insurance company will deny coverage on the claim based on some technical exclusion clause in your policy and expose you to monetary liability that you assumed was covered.
- Debt Collection