- Sex CrimesReporting of child pornography. We are required to report apparent violations of laws concerning child pornography when we have a reasonable belief of facts or circumstances that warrant a report. In those cases, we contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and may also contact law enforcement directly.
- Business TransactionsCenturyLink will use your Personal Information to provide services, to set up and maintain accounts, provide, and repair our services and equipment, respond to customers' questions and concerns, bill and collect for our services, plan for future development of our network and services, to market our services, to communicate with our customers and to others about our services. We also use Personal Information we obtain from third parties, including demographic data to help us serve our customers, predict what new services they may want, and determine a customer’s creditworthiness. CenturyLink may also use your Personal Information to assess and implement mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations, bankruptcies, and other business transactions such as financings, and to administer our business, accounting, auditing, compliance, recordkeeping, and legal functions.