- Spray Tanning
- Pedicure
- Body Wrap
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Spinal AdjustmentsChiropractors, known as Doctors of Chiropractic or chiropractic doctors/physicians in some jurisdictions, use a combination of treatments which are predicated on the specific needs of the individual patient. A chiropractor can develop and carry out a comprehensive treatment/management plan which can include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, prescription of exercises, and health and lifestyle counseling. While the core concept of practice is based on healing without drugs or surgery, patients may commonly expect...
- Nutritional Consultation
- SubluxationD.D. Palmer gave the first spinal adjustment to a deaf janitor, Harvey Lillard, on September 18, 1895, reportedly resulting in a restoration of the man’s hearing. Palmer had discovered that manual manipulation of the spine could result in improved neurological function. Friend and Rev. Samuel Weed suggested combining the words cheiros and praktikos (meaning “done by hand”) and chiropractic was born. Palmer claimed that vertebral joint misalignments, which he termed “Subluxations” interfered with the body’s function and its inborn ability to heal itself. This concept was later expanded upon by his son, B.J. Palmer.
- Manipulation TherapyDr. Bourland also is a strong advocate that the most powerful drug that goes into our body is the food that we eat. He has a passion for nutrition and particularly the biochemistry of the affect of nutrition on the body.Dr. Bourland was drawn to chiropractic because he always had a keen interest in seeing the body repair itself with minimum use of pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures. As a teenager Dr. Bourland was in a motorcycle accident and a chiropractor helped him immensely with recovery which gave him even more reason to pursue chiropractic as a profession.As a chiropractic student he felt that spinal manipulation was too traumatic for many individuals, and that a means of moving the spine by training the muscles to do the job would be a much more precipitous way of encouraging health without the trauma.Dr. Bourland’s passion for the last 36 years continues to this day to see people regain their health without drugs or surgery and learn an improved lifestyle that can allow them to continue at a state of health. Carol Bourland